Beach Day

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"Remind me again why I let Alfred drag me to the beach?" Arthur grumbled as he huddled underneath the beach umbrella. Matthew looked up from his book and gave the Brit a deadpanned look. 

"Because you wanted an excuse to watch him prance around half naked" He drawled causing Arthur to blush in embarrassment.  Matthew chuckled before glancing over at where Alfred and Gilbert were building a and castle together, his eyes narrowed slightly when he looked at the Prussian. 

"That idiot isn't wearing sun screen again" He grumbled in annoyance causing Arthur to snort in amusement. 

"You think after the last time he would remember to put some on" He said in amusement as Matthew just shook his head in exasperation. 

"It's like he thinks hes immune to the sun" He grumbled which just made Arthur laugh some more. 

"Are you going to drag him over and force him to put some sun screen on?" He asked curiously. Matthew furrowed his eyebrows n thought before huffing and going back to his book. 

"Nope, he can burn himself if that's what he wants" He muttered making Arthur fall over as he laughed. 

"He probably saw that Alfred didn't put any on so he thought he shouldn't either" Arthur finally said as he recovered from his laughing fit which caused Matthew to snort in agreement. 

"Yeah probably, but he's not immune to sun burn like Alfred is" He drawled causing Arthur to snort in amusement. 

"Yeah Alfred's pretty weird like that" He said fondly before he picked up his own book to read as well. 

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