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Alfred giggled as he took his seat across from Ivan who raised an eyebrow at the giggling American. He had juts been picking up their food what could possible have happened that had reduced him into a giggling mess?

"What are you giggling at?" He asked but Alfred just shook his head as he continued to giggle for a few minutes before he took a deep breath and gave him a cheerful grin. 

"I want to try something" He said in amusement as he took Ivan's hands into his own and stared at the Russian right in the eye. Ivan gave him a confused look before he stared into the American's eyes. 

Alfred blinked slowly which Ivan mirrored unconsciously only to jump when he heard a bunch of squealing from the table across form them. He spun around and saw a bunch of teenage girls were staring at them and giggling excitedly. He turned to look at Alfred and saw that he was smirking in amusement. 

"What was that about?" He asked which only made Alfred's smirk widen. 

"Those are shippers and apparently when a couple blinks at each other it instantly makes them relationship goals and an OTP" He said in amusement causing Ivan to sweat drop. 

"American's are so weird" He whispered causing Alfred to pout and cross his arms childishly. 

"That is not my fault, that is all Kiku's doing" He grumbled causing Ivan to chuckle which Alfred soon joined in on, they both ignored how the shippers were squealing again. This was going to be a very long dinner. 

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