Late Night Thoughts

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Gilbert stared tiredly up at the ceiling as he desperately tried to fall asleep but was having no luck what so ever. He turned around to face Alfred's back as a sudden thought entered his head that was refusing to go away. 

"Hey Alfred? You awake?" He asked softly while he nudged the American's back which gained him a tired groan from Alfred.

"No, why?" He asked sarcastically but Gilbert just ignored his tone of voice and asked his question anyways. 

"If a Guinea pig and a normal pig had a baby, would it be called a piggy-er Guinea pig??" He asked curiously causing Alfred to sigh in exasperation as he turned around to give Gilbert a deadpanned look. 

"If you and I had a baby, would it get my beauty and your late night thoughts, or your sexy body and my late night murder thoughts?" He asked seriously causing a blush to appear on Gilbert's face. 

"I... don't know how to feel about this..." He said shyly as his blush continued to grow. Alfred chuckled softly in amusement before he leaned over and kissed Gilbert on the cheak. 

"Go to sleep Gil" He said as he snuggled into Gilbert's arms. 

"O-okay" He stuttered before he hugged Alfred even closer. They both soon fell asleep with smiles on their faces. 

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