Panicked Siren Noises

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Arthur groaned softly as he slowly sat up and glanced around the room only to realize that he was in a hospital room. Before he could begin panicking Matthew, Francis and Alfred walked into the room. 

"Oh good your awake, I was afraid if you slept any longer Alfred was going to do something drastic" Matthew said in relief causing Francis to laugh while Alfred made offended noises. 

"Why am I in the hospital?" Arthur asked suddenly causing them to stop their bantering to raise an eyebrow at him. 

"You were stabbed. Don't you remember anything?" Francis asked worriedly as he walked up to him. Arthur furrowed his eyebrows trying to remember anything but all that he could think of was a siren.

"Only the ambulance to the hospital" He said finally causing all of them to give him confused looks. 

"That wasn't an ambulance. I drove you" Matthew said and this time it was Arthur who gave them a confused look. 

"But I heard a siren" He said baffled causing Francis and Matthew to turn and give Alfred a pointed look. 

"That was Alfred" Francis finally said causing a whine to escape the American. 

"Sorry, I got nervous!" He said childishly causing the others to laugh while he crossed his arms and pouted. . 

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