Cookies Solve Everything

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Arthur pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a tired sigh as he stared at Alfred who was sitting up in a tree with a wide grin on his face. He should really know better then to leave Alfred alone when he goes out shopping. 

""Alfred! Get down from there!" He shouted causing Alfred to stick his tongue out at him childishly before he responded. 

"No way" He said cheerfully causing Arthur to sigh in exasperation. 

"I'm going to call the police" He said in a serious tone of voice causing a wicked grin to appear on Alfred's face. 

"Go ahead, I'll fight them!" He declared loudly causing Arthur to face palm, why was he dating such an idiot. He glanced around to see if there was anything he could use to distract Alfred with when his eyes landed on that box of cookies in his shopping bag. 

"I have cookies!" He announced causing a thoughtful look to appear on Alfred's face before he climbed down and rushed up to him only to swipe the cookies from him and hug them to his chest. 

"I totally would've fought them" He mumbled causing a fond expression to appear on Arthur's face. 

"I know you would" He said in amusement causing a cheerful grin to appear on Alfred's face. 

"Now come on, your making dinner tonight remember?" Arthur said as walked away, Alfred following behind him with a teasing grin on his face. 

"I cook every night" He said in amusement causing Arthur to huff childishly which only made Alfred's grin grow ten fold. 

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