Friendship Bracelets

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Arthur glanced up from his newspaper when he heard Matthew and Alfred shyly shuffling into the room, he raised an eyebrow and placed his newspaper down so he could give the two boys his full attention. 

"We made this friendship bracelet for you" Matthew said as he held up a green and white bracelet, Arthur took it and gave the two a blank look. 

"You know boys, I'm not really a jewelry person" He said as he stared at the bracelet, he almost missed the way the two boys' shoulders slumped. 

"You don't have to wear it" Alfred mumbled softly as he reached out to take the bracelet back but Arthur was quick to attach it to his wrist. 

"No, I'm going to wear it forever. Back off" He said as he pulled his wrist close to his chest which caused wide smiles to appear on Matthew and Alfred's face before they scurried out of the room giggling happily. Once they were out of ear shot Arthur sighed and glanced down at the crudely made friendship bracelet. 

"The things I do for those to" He mumbled to himself fondly as he shook his head before he went back to reading his newspaper. 

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