Innocent Blue Eyes

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Alfred eye twitched as he listened to some of the stuck up rich people at this years gala, if he didn't have a job to do he would have skipped the whole thing. His eyes scanned over the crowd before they locked on his target, a thin smile appeared on his face as he approached the clearly drunk Brit. 

"Hey Artie!" He said cheerfully as he slung his arm across Arthur's shoulders. The Brit just grunted in acknowledgment. 

"I'm glad you finally showed up Alfred I was beginning to think that you had decided to skip" Gilbert said as he placed down his drink, it was getting really boring out drinking Arthur. That man could not hold his alcohol. 

"I wouldn't have missed it for the world" Alfred said charmingly causing Gilbert to chuckle. He suddenly raised an eyebrow when he saw the American's get up. 

"What's up with your outfit?" He question causing Alfred to give him a confused look as he glanced down to look at himself. He was wearing black dress shoes, black dress pants with suspenders, a white button up and a black bow tie. He glanced back up and raised an eyebrow at the Prussian. 

"What's wrong with it?" He asked baffled and all Gilbert could do was shrug. 

"I don't know, just looks off" Was all he said causing Alfred to huff. Gilbert smirked at him before eh walked off to go bother Roderich. Alfred smirk after him before he glanced down at Arthur, who seemed to be regaining some of his sense. 

"Hey Arthur can I talk to you in private for a minute?" He asked and Arthur just nodded as Alfred lead him away from the party. He barely noticed that they had walked very far away from the ballroom, eventually Alfred pulled him into an old storage room. 

"So what hic did you want to hic talk about?" Arthur slurred as he stared at Alfred who had his back to him. He stiffened when the American suddenly spun around and pointed a gun right at him with a wicked grin on hi face. 

"Alfred what are you doing?" He asked seriously as he tried to back away, all of his drunkenness disappearing just like that. Alfred's smile widen even more. 

"Completing a job" Was all he said as he pulled the trigger. Arthur had no time to react as the bullet hit him right in the heart, he was dead instantly. Alfred grinned as he placed the gun back into his pocket and leaned over to examin his work. 

"This is what you get Arthur for breaking so many hearts" He said almost giddily before he turned on his heel and walked right out of the room and out of the building. As he walked he pulled out his phone and clicked on the first contact, it rang once before being picked up. 

"Is it done?" A French accented voice asked/demanded causing Alfred's grin to grow some. 

"Dead as dust" He said cheerfully causing the voice to laugh in amusement. 

"Good" They said simply before hanging up. Alfred chuckled as he slipped his phone back into pocket, another satisfied customer. Who knew being a hitman could be such fun?

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