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"How?" Alfred asked in disbelief as he turned away from Ivan to look at Natalya and Toris who just smirked at him. He turned back to look at Ivan and watched as the Russian did ballet as if it was what he had been born to do.

"He's a big guy how is he so graceful?" He questioned again and Natalya and Toris just shrugged. 

"I have been asking that same question my whole life" Natalya drawled in amusement causing Toris to chuckle while Alfred huffed childishly. 

"I tried asking him once but he just gave me this really confused look and walked away" Toris said helpfully which just made Alfred huff again. 

"Oh Alfred your here early" Ivan said as he walked up to the trio, he jumped slightly when Alfred placed his hands on his shoulders and stared t him straight in the eye. 

"You are a beautiful dancer and I love you" Was all he said as he pulled the Russian into a kiss. Ivan blinked in surprise before he melted into the kiss. Both of them ignored the exaggerated gagging coming from Natalya. Toris rolled his eyes and dragged the Belarussian away so that the men could have their moment. 

When they finally pulled away from each other Ivan had a huge blush on his cheeks but that didn't stop him from snuggling into Alfred's arms. 

"I didn't know you liked ballet" Ivan said softly causing Alfred raised an eyebrow at him. 

"Francis does ballet as well and when me and Mattie were little he tried to get us into it" He explained in amusement causing Ivan to nod in understanding. 

"Did it stick?" He asked curiously causing a faint blush to appear on Alfred's cheeks. 

"Kinda, it stuck better for me then Mattie surprisingly but that because acrobatics was my thing. I'm nowhere near as good as you" He said shyly as he ran his fingers through his hair causing Ivan to chuckle fondly. 

"Maybe one day you can show me what you can do" He said softly which caused Alfred to chuckle this time. 

"Maybe" He said simply with a soft smile on his face before he gestured for Ivan to follow him out of the room. 

"Now come along dear, we have a date to get to" He said sweetly as he lead the smiling Russian away. 

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