Protective Little Sister

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"Where did you learn to fight like that?" Lucille asked stunned as she stared at Michelle who was dusting off her hands, behind her were three full grown men covered in bruises and crying for their mommies. Michelle gave her a large confident grin. 

"I have five older brothers" She said simply causing Lucille to raise an eyebrow. 

"Really?" She asked, she highly doubted that any of them had taught her how to fight like that. 

"Yeah, Jett is obsessed with dangerous animals, Toby has an inferiority complex, Matthew tends to fade into the background, Leon is a recluse with dozens of fireworks, Alfred can really rock a cocktail dress and six inch heels, and I wasn't going to let anyone give them any shit for any of that. So I had to learn to beat up people bigger then me pretty early on" She explained dismissively as she started walking away leaving Lucille to gape at her retreating back. 

"What...." She trailed off in shock before she shook her head and quickly followed after the grinning island girl. And she thought Arthur and Francis were exaggerating when they said that Michelle was extremely over protective of her brothers, guess she really did owe them both 20 bucks after all. Damn she was saving that for her next date with Sebastian, of well it't not like he was ever going to let her pay for anything anyways. 

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