Flustered Albino

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"So, how's the prettiest person in the world doing?" Gilbert asked sweetly with a wide grin on his face as he plopped down on the couch next to Roderich, he pointedly ignored Elizabeta's amused huff as he focused on his indifferent boyfriend.  Roderich barely spared him a glance before he responded. 

"I don't know, how are you?" He fired back casually causing Gilbert to blush brightly as he sat up straighter and gave the Austrian a deer caught in headlights look. 

"I-i'm fine" He stuttered before he got up and walked away while covering his blushing face. Roderich smirked as he flipped another page in his book before he held his left hand out towards Elizabeta. 

"That's not fair! He blushes way to easily!" She grumbled as she handed the smirking Austrian 50 euros. His smirk just grew as he counted the money. 

"It's your fault for betting against me" He said simply as he pocketed the money and continued reading his book. Elizabeta crossed her arms and huffed as she slumped into the couch. 

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