Alfred Is A Dork

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Arthur ran his fingers through his hair as he sighed tiredly. He glanced up and stared at Alfred who was hanging upside down on a tree branch while waving his arms around like a freaking loon. Why was he dating this moron again?

"...Why are you like this?" He finally asked in exasperation causing Alfred to give him a goofy grin as he got out of the tree and walked up to him. 

"Aww, come on! You know you love me!" He said cheerfully causing Arthur to sigh and roll his eyes fondly. 

"...Where did you get that idea?" He asked in a mildly teasing tone of voice. He raised an eyebrow when Alfred didn't anything, he glanced up only for his eyes to widen when he saw that Mathias was sniffling and try to hold back tears. 

"WAIT I'M SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN IT I LOVE YOU!!!!!" He shouted as he pulled Alfred into a hug and tried to stop his tears. Alfred's tears disappeared instantly as a large grin appeared on his face. 

"Good" He said sweetly as he kissed Arthur's before walking away leaving Arthur gaping at his back in disbelief. 

"ALFRED F. JONES YOU GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!" He shouted as he chased after the now laughing American. 

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