Double Date

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Alfred glanced around the room with a calculating look in his eyes before they narrowed in on Matthew and Gilbert  which caused a Cheshire like grin to briefly appear on his face before he quickly masked at he approached the duo. 

"Hey Mattie, wanna third wheel on my date with Ivan tomorrow?" He asked innocently which caused his brother to blink in confusion before he slowly nodded. 

"I guess..." He trailed off uncertainly which caused Alfred's grin to brighten before he turned to look at Gilbert. 

"Gilbert! Wanna third wheel on my date with Ivan?" He asked cheerfully which caused Gilbert to smirk, this would be great for getting blackmail. 

"Hell yes!" He said confidently which caused Alfred's Cheshire like grin to return as he clapped his hands together cheerfully. 

"Great! I've always wanted to go on a double date!" He said cheerfully before he strolled away leaving Gilbert to gape at his retreating back while Matthew groaned and buried his face into his hands. 

"... What?" Gilbert whispered softly in disbelief while Matthew just groaned even more, his face was bright red. 

"I just can't believe he would do that" He grumbled into his hands, it almost looked like he was trying to suffocate himself with his hands. Alfred was so going to pay for this. 

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