Super Anger

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Alfred pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed in exasperation before glancing back up at Gilbert who was staring at him curiously. 

"So you're telling me when you think of Ivan your chest gets tight and you face gets hot, and you think that means you're angry?" He asked in disbelief, prompting Gilbert to nod. 

"Yes" He said simply causing Alfred to sigh once again. 

"Do you feel like that when you're mad at me?" He asked causing Gilbert to purse his lips in thought before he eventually shook his head. 

"No" He said simply. 

"Do you feel that way when you're mad at literally anyone else?" Alfred asked causing Gilbert to tilt his head to the side in thought before he shook his head. 

"No" He repeated. 

"So what you're feeling about Ivan isn't anger. It's most likely..." He trailed off hoping that Gilbert would finally figure it. Gilbert furrowed his eyebrows in thought before he suddenly perked up as if a light bulb had just gone off. 

"Super Anger!" He said cheerfully causing Alfred to facepalm before he turned on his heel and walked away leaving Gilbert to stare at his retreating back in confusion. 

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