Dark As The Soul

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Lovino yawned tiredly as he slumped down on the couch next to Gilbert who just raised an eyebrow at him. Lovino looked up and gave the Prussian a pleading loo. 

"Gilbert can you get me a drink?" He asked causing Gilbert to raise an eyebrow before he nodded. 

"Okay, what do you want?" He asked and Lovino glanced up at the ceiling in thought before he gave Gilbert a small smirk. 

"Something as dark as my unforgiving soul" He snarked causing Gilbert to roll his eyes before he got up to get the Italian his drink. Lovino grinned to himself as he streched out on the ocuh so that he could get more comfortable. He glanced up curiously when Gilbert walked back into the room only to glare at the innocent glass in the Prussian's hand. 

It was a glass of milk. 

"I feel insulted" He grumbled as he accepted the drink from the widely smirking albino who sat back down on the couch. 

"You should" He said cheekily causing Lovino to roll his eyes before he sat up so that he could enjoy his drink, he would get the Prussian back for this later. 

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