Mixed Signals

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Lukas let out an exhausted sigh as he slumped into the chair next to Tino, causing him and Berwald to raise an eyebrow at him. 

"Are you okay Lukas?" Tino asked worriedly which caused the Norwegian to sit up and glare at Matthias who was on the other side of the room chatting with Alfred and Gilbert. 

"I hate him!" He growled causing Tino and Berwald to share a bemused look before turned back to the fuming blonde. 

"Then you might be sending mixed signals by making out with him" Tino commented causing a faint blush to appear on Lukas' face before he stood up and stormed out of the room grumbling about stupid Danes and unhelpful friends. 

"What's was that about" Emil questioned as he walked over still glancing in the direction his brother had stormed off in. 

"He's pretending to hate Matthias again" Tino supplied causing Emil to snort in amusement. 

"That's probably because he stepped on one of Matthias' legs this morning" He said simply causing Tino and Berwald to nod in understanding, stepping on legs was the worst. 

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