New Hair Do

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Michelle furrowed her eyebrows as she concentrated on brushing Alfred's ridiculously soft hair. After many many hours of pestering him the American had finally agreed to let her do his hair any way she wanted. 

"And there" She said in satisfaction as she placed the last clip into his hair, Alfred raised an eyebrow before taking the mirror that Michelle handed him. He glanced at his reflection and smiled softly at what he saw. 

Michelle has pulled his hair back into a small pony tail and had pushed his bangs back with a pair of star hair clips. 

"Do you like it?" She asked worriedly and Alfred just pulled her into a hug which she instantly melted into. 

"It's great" He said cheerfully causing a large grin to appear on her face. 

"I'm glad you like it, Matthew hates it when I mess with his hair" She said with a pout on her lips causing Alfred to chuckle in amusement. 

"Yeah he's always been like that, which is a shame cause his hair is so fabulous" He said through his laughter causing Michelle to laugh as well. 

"It really is" She said through her laughter. Alfred hummed once he got control of his laughter before glancing back into the mirror. 

"Seriously though you did a great job" He said which caused a dazzling smile to appear on her lips. 

"Thanks Alfie, your a great brother" She said sweetly as she pulled him into another hug, this time he was the one to melt into it. 

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