Alfred Does Not Like The Cold

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"I don't know if this is such a good idea Arthur, Alfred is really sensitive to the cold" Matthew said worriedly as he followed Arthur who was carrying a huge bucket of ice water. Arthur just scoffed in disbelief. 

"He's a baby, this will be good for him" Was all he said as they approached Alfred who was sleeping peacefully on the ouch. Matthew covered his face with his hands as Arthur dumped the bucket on the oblivious American. 

Alfred shot up instantly and screamed shrilly causing Arthur and Matthew to jump in surprise. The American threw his arms around himself as his teeth began chattering, he turned to give the Brit a vicious glare. 

"Why would you do that?" He growled angrily causing Arthur to shrug helplessly. Alfred huffed before he got up and disappeared into his bed room. After he slammed the door Matthew gave Arthur a deadpanned look. 

"I told you so" Was all he said as he went to grab a hot water bottle for his brother, leaving Arthur blinking in disbelief. 


"Hey Alfred I've got a hot water bottle for you" Matthew said softly as he pushed the door open, he bit his lip in amusement as he saw that his brother had buried himself under and mountain of blanket and only his eyes were peaking out. 

He stuck his arm out of the fort, which Matthew noticed was covered by a fluffy sweater, he smiled fondly as he handed his brother the hot water bottle only for his hand to instantly retreat back under the fort and a sigh of content to escape him. 

"I'm going to sick Ivan on Arthur" He grumbled which caused Mathew to burst out laughing, he did not doubt that. 

"Do you want me to call him so can snuggle?" He asked which caused Alfred to make a happy chirping sound. Matthew chuckled in amusement before eh pulled out his phone so that he could call the Russian. 

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