Army Of Darkness

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Feliciano raised a curious eyebrow when he heard his brother let out an over dramatic sigh, when he turned to look at him he watched as he also dramatically flopped down on the couch. He had definitely been spending to much time with Alfred. 

"Honestly, I'm just so evil. So full of darkness. I feed of the souls of the living. I strike fear into - " He began only to be cut of by Feliciano's uncontrollable snickering as he gave him an amused look.

"You sleep with a stuffed giraffe" He drawled teasingly causing a bright red blush to appear on Lovino's face as he jumped off of the couch and turned to give him a frustrated look. 

"He is my SECOND IN COMMAND IN MY ARMY OF DARKNESS!!" He shouted before he stormed out of the room, his blush growing when he heard his brother's uncontrollable cackling from behind him. 

"Sure Lovi" Feliciano mumbled to himself in amusement before he went back to watching his movie, his brother had really been spending to much time with Alfred. 

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