Black Cat

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Arthur glanced up from his book when the American national anthem started playing from his phone, he sighed before placing his book down so that he could answer the phone. 

"A black cat just ran up my leg and smacked me in the face. Does this mean I've been blessed by the Halloween gods?" Alfred quickly asked causing Arthur to blink in confusion. 

"What?" He questioned causing Alfred to sigh before he explained again. 

"I was hanging out at home watching a movie when this black cat just came out of nowhere and ran up my leg to slap me in the face" He explained and Arthur just leaned in his seat with a thoughtful expression on his face. 

"Where's the cat now?" He asked and he heard rusting on the other end before Alfred responded. 

"It's curled up on my lap sleeping" He said which caused Arthur to blink in surprise. 

"I think a spirit has just claimed you" He said causing Alfred to make a soft sound of understanding. 

"That certainly explains some things" Alfred mused to himself which made Arthur raise a confused eyebrow. 

"What do you mean?" He asked slightly worried. 

"The cat has tiny wings" Alfred explained which caused Arthur to bolt upwards as he choked in shock. 

"Why didn't you mention that earlier!" He shouted causing Alfred to shush him, which he grudgingly did. 

"I didn't notice until just now, they blend into the fur" He snapped back. Arthur sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. 

"Alright I'll come over and check it out, just whatever you do do not piss it off" He said as he stood up to grab his car keys. 

"Alright see you soon" Alfred chirped cheerfully before hanging up, Arthur just rolled his eyes in exasperation as he stepped out of the house and put his phone into his pocket. Alfred was such a dork. 

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