Being Straight, Not That Easy

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"I have finally done it!" Emil announced as he walked into the meeting room which caused a few people to give him odd looks before they resumed their own conversations. 

"What have you finally done?" Tino asked curiously as he raised and eyebrow, which the other Nordics mirrored. 

"I have devised the perfect plan to get a girlfriend" He said proudly causing Matthias to choke on his drink, Berwald to cough uncomfortably, Lukas' eyes to widen a fraction and Tino to give him a hesitant smile. 

"Oh?" He prompted causing Emil to smile confidently as he placed the list on the table. 

"Step one, be straight" He said only for his eyes to trail away from his family as he noticed Leon walking into the room. The Asian boy gave him a smile and a small wave before he took his seat next to Yao. Emil blinked in surprise as he turned to once again face his family. 

"Failed step one" He announced simply causing Matthias to burst out laugh while Lukas just shook his and Berwald and Tino smiled in amusement. 

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