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Arthur sighed softly as he took a sip of tea and flipped through his news paper, he mumbled a soft thanks when Matthew placed a plate of pancakes in front of him. Both he and Matthew jumped when Alfred suddenly rushed into the room with a bag of marshmallows in hand and a wide grin on his face. 

"Hey dudes, do you think I can fit 15 marshmallows in my mouth?" He asked excitedly causing Arthur to let out a long suffering sigh. 

"You're a hazard to society" He grumbled causing Alfred's smile to waver slightly. 

"You're a coward do 25" Matthew challenged causing Alfred's grin to grow. 

"Oh, You're on!" He shouted before he started shoving marshmallows into his mouth with Matthew egging him on. Arthur groaned in exasperation and face palmed. 

"I'm surrounded by idiots" He grumbled to himself in frustration. 

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