Late Night Calls

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Gilbert groaned tiredly as he blindly felt for his phone which was ringing way to loudly, he briefly glanced at the time before answering. He was mentally swearing when he saw it was 4 am. 

"Why are you calling me this late?" He grumbled as he covered his eyes with his hand, only to suddenly sit up when he heard soft whimpering coming from the other side of the phone. 

"Gil... I r-really need your help" Alfred mumbled softly causing Gilbert to raise an eyebrow in concern. 

"Alfred what's wrong?" He asked worriedly causing a soft sniffle to come from the other end before Alfred responded. 

"Me and Arthur had a fight a-and he told me he hated me, so-so I yelled me to b-before I took my c-car and drove off. But my c-car d-didn't have a lot of gas a-and now I'm stranded" He whimpered causing Gilbert to sigh before he pulled his covers off of himself so that he could get up. 

"Alright I'll come get you" He said as he started getting dressed, Alfred choked out a thank you before giving him directions as to where he was. 

"I'll be there soon don't worry, I'm going to hang up now. I'm getting in the car" Gilbert said as he slipped into his car, Alfred just mumbled his understanding before hanging up. Gilbert bit his lip before he quickly dialed another number and put it on speaker so he could start driving. 

"You fucking bastard do you know how fucking early it is?" Lovino snapped sleepily causing Gilbert's lip to twitch slightly in amusement. 

"I know Lovi, but I need you to do something for me" He said which seemed to catch the Italian's attention if the soft hum was any indication. 

"What do you need the awesome me to do?" He questioned through a yawn. 

"How well can you dispose of a body?" He asked casually causing the line to go silent for a good fifteen minutes. 

"What the fuck did you do?" He questioned seriously which just made Gilbert chuckle darkly to himself. 

"Nothing yet but there's a certain Brit I just might have to kill" He said in a morbidly cheerful tone which caused Lovino to sigh in exasperation. 

"Yeah that make sense, I'll get my guys on it" He grumbled before hanging up. Gilbert smirked slightly in satisfaction before he focused more on driving, he had a very distressed American to save. 

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