To Early For Blushing

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Alfred hummed softly as he walked into his and Lovino's room to wake him up, he had just finished making breakfast and he would be damned if he let the Italian skip breakfast again. He smiled softly as saw that Lovino was snuggling with his pillow. He shook the Italian's shoulder slightly causing him to open one of his eyes a crack. 

"Morning darling" He said his southern accent unintentionally slipping through causing Lovino to glare at him. 

"Alfred, stop" He grumbled causing Alfred to raise an eyebrow in confusion as he stopped shaking the Italian. 

"Stop what?" He asked confused which only made Lovino narrow his eyes. 

"Talking" He grumbled causing Alfred to give him a confused wide eyed look, that was knew the Italian had never told him to stop talking before. 

"Why?" He asked which made Lovino huff as he sat up and gave the American a very frustrated look. 

"Because your stupid southern accent is adorable and I don't want to blush this early in the morning" He grumbled as he got out of bed and stormed out of the room leaving Alfred gaping at his retreating back. He blinked slowly before he grinned and walked out of the room and saw the Italian tearing into his breakfast, he was such a dork he thought fondly as he went to join him. 

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