Stubborn Yogurt

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Francis chuckled softly in amusement as he watched Alfred struggle to open a tub of yogurt, it was almost like the thing was impervious to the American's super human like strength. 

"Having trouble with that yogurt?" He asked teasingly which only made Alfred harder down at the poor yogurt. 

"This lid is being a fucking dickhead..." He growled in frustration as he continued to struggle causing Francis' eyes to widen before to turned around to glare at Arthur accusingly. 

"Wonder where he got that from" He drawled sarcastically causing the Brit to give him a deadpanned look. 

"From the fridge, you fucking dickhead" He shot back in a completely serious tone of voice which made Francis face palm in disbelief. 

Suddenly Alfred let out a battle cry and Francis had just enough time to turn back around to watch as the American pulled out his pocket knife and stab the yogurt viciously. All Francis and Arthur could do was blink in surprise as Alfred made a happy noise when the lid finally popped off, he proceeded to grab a spoon and walk right out of the room. 

"Okay, he did not get that from me" Arthur said quickly and all Francis could do was sigh in exasperation, he was surrounded by nutcases. 

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