Alfred The Klutz

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"You are such a klutz Alfie" Matthew said in amusement as he watched his brother pick himself up off the floor. He had tripped over his own feet on his way to the kitchen and Matthew couldn't help but find it hilarious. 

"I am not a klutz, gravity just hates me" He said stubbornly as he walked back into the kitchen. He came back out a minute later with two bowels full of popcorn, and not even two seconds after placing them on the coffee table he tripped and fell back onto the ground causing Matthew to laugh. 

"You were saying?" He asked teasingly causing Alfred to pout. 

"Okay I might be a bit of a klutz" Alfred grumbled as he flopped down onto the couch next to Matthew who just shook his head in amusement. 

"I swear you could trip over your own shadow" He said teasingly causing Alfred to huff. 

"My shadow's a tricky little bastard. It likes to see me fall to its level" He grumbled causing Matthew to laugh once again. Alfred huffed before picking up the TV remote. 

"Let's just watch the movie" He grumbled and Matthew nodded in agreement as he got control of his laughter. 

"Okay Alfie" He said amusement. 

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