Hot Chocolate Was Not What I Had In Mind

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Alfred hummed happily as he ate his chocolate ice cream, he was practically wiggling in place in happiness. Arthur chuckled in amusement as he continued making them some hot chocolate. He raised an eyebrow when Alfred suddenly made a whining sound. 

"My mouths cold!" He whined causing Arthur to chuckle fondly as he walked over with the two hot chocolates in hand. He leaned against the back of the couch and gave the American a small smirk. 

"Want me to warm it for you?" He asked playfully causing a blush to appear on Alfred cheeks as he looked up at him in surprise. 

"Y-yes" He stuttered shyly only to frown slightly when Arthur handed him a cup of hot chocolate with a grin on his face. 

"Here" He said cheerfully. Alfred took the cup as his shoulder slumped, this was not what he was hoping for. He was such an idiot thinking that Arthur liked him like that, they were just close friends who shared an apartment. 

"This is what you meant right?" Arthur asked as he noticed the small frown on the American's face. Alfred quickly gave the Brit a large fake smile as he nodded. 

"S-sure, yup, definitely" He cheerfully, silently cursing himself for stuttering. Arthur raised an eyebrow before shrugging and picking up the half empty container of ice cream. 

"Alright, well just let me put this away and we can watch a movie" He said before he walked back into the kitchen. Once he was out of sight Alfred sighed and slumped his shoulders again as he stared sadly down at his hot chocolate before he took a drink. Why did Arthur have to keep messing with his heart?

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