A Quill Or A Pen?

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Alfred yawned tiredly as he made his way towards the kitchen to get a bite to eat only to pause as he passed Arthur's office he blinked in confusion before he back tracked a bit and stared into the Brits office. A surprised looked appeared on his face at what he saw. 

Arthur was sitting at his desk doing paper work, which wasn't the strange thing that man was an awful workaholic. No the strange thing was what Arthur was writing with. 

It was a quill, a really old fashioned looking quill with a ridiculously large feather plume. 

"You are such an old man" He drawled sarcastically causing Arthur to jump slightly in surprise before he turned to give the American a very unimpressed glare. 

"Shut up Alfred" He grumbled in annoyance as he went back to his paper work, though he did replace his quill with a normal pen. Alfred chuckled in amusement as he continued walking towards the kitchen. 

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