New Puppy

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"Now remember, we're only here to browse. Okay?" Arthur said sternly as he and Alfred walked in the the pet shop. The American just grinned and nodded absent mindedly as he walked away. Arthur huffed and rolled his eyes before he also walked off to look at the animals. 

After 5 minutes he was bored out of his mind, the cats were just lazy balls of fluff, the lizards were creepy, the fish were boring and the birds gave him a headache. 

"Alright I've had my fill" He muttered to himself as he began searching for his boyfriend and to freeze and let out a tired sigh when he found him. 

The American was playing with an adorable Golden Retriever puppy, said puppy was missing it's left front leg. Alfred glanced up from the puppy and gave the Brit his irresistible puppy dog eyes. Arthur let out another tired sigh. 

"Fine" He grumbled which caused a wide grin to appear on Alfred's face before he pulled the puppy into a tight hug, this caused the puppy to bark happily as it licked the American's face. Arthur's irritation melted as he watched, why did his boyfriend have to be so cute? He made it very hard for him to stay mad at him. 


"And that's how we got the dog" Arthur finished explaining as he took a sip of his tea. Francis raised an eyebrow as he glanced over at Alfred who was playing with Bucky in the living room, a soft chuckle escaped the Frenchman's lips. 

"You are so very weak to those eyes mon amie" He said through his chuckles causing Arthur in splutter in indignation. 

"Shut up" Arthur finally grumbled which just made Francis chuckle some more. 

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