Chapter 2: Letters from 'him'

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         Jungkook stepped into the house as he held Jimin's mail in his hands while taking a good look at it. "An asylum. Ah, it's that idiot, isn't it?" Jungkook told himself as he then rolled his eyes and and set the rest of the mail down in frustration. Memories of when Kyunsji used to try so hard on getting Jimin to be his was what came rushing in his head. Jungkook didn't even want to read what was in the letter so he held it in his grasps and ripped it apart down the middle. The sound of the paper shredding between his hands became so satisfying to the Alpha; especially when he knew that this was from Kyunsji sent to Jungkook's own omega; Jimin.

           Jungkook didn't even bother to look at what was written within it. He had a burning hate towards Kyunsji and him knowing the address of the house by heart made it even more difficult for Jungkook to protect what's his. "I don't care if you're even on the verge of killing yourself... You shouldn't be writing to what's mine." Jungkook hissed as he gritted his teeth and showed his sharp fangs while making sure every piece was left unable to read. He knew this was Kyunsji's letter to Jimin because there was no one else Jungkook or Jimin knew who was in the asylum other than Sahiro Kyunsji.

           The very thought of Kyunsji just wandering around in Jungkook's mind even longer made him grow frustrated. He worried about many things now that Kyunsji knew their address after so long. However, there was nothing else Kyunsji could do to get to Jimin at all. At the end of the day, Jungkook was the one that held Jimin close every night. Not Kyunsji. The younger finally called himself down as he exhaled and finally walked upstairs to Minho's room. "Jimin, it's nothing that important in the mai-" Jungkook then focused on Jimin who had their pup in a burping position. Yet, Jimin was fast asleep, leaving Minho to coo and squirm around in his father's secured hands around the pup's smaller body.

            "Minho, you could have told me your lazy father fell asleep!" Jungkook joked as he walked up and was sure Jimin fell asleep, leaving Minho to drop his small and balled up fists against the base of Jimin's neck. "Ah, I shouldn't say lazy. Your father works so hard for you..." Jungkook continued as he loosened the grip Jimin had around the baby and finally picked the baby up from Jimin's arms.

           "T-THE BABY- Oh... Oh! Jungkookie~" Jimin giggled so sleepily as he looked up at his alpha carry Minho in his arms. "G-Give... Give him to me~" Jimin whispered so sleepily. He couldn't even bear to keep his eyes open for another second! "Jungkookie?"

           "No, go to sleep. I can take it from here." Jungkook told his husband while Jimin only shook his head and made a smile before he threw his head back and fell asleep within seconds after. The alpha smiled at Jimin's direction as he held his son up and walked over to a small couch to sit down and look down at his pup. "So you're the one that steals my milk?" Jungkook teased in a sweet coo while Minho remained gazing upwards at Jungkook. Moving his small pink hands around swiftly until Jungkook grabbed both of them gently and softly, he pressed his kisses along the pink palms of his pup. Only then, he looked down and made such a big smile at Minho, showing his bunny-like smile and dimples that made Minho continue gazing up at his father.

           "Why does the palms of your hands smell like sandwiches?" Continued the Alpha; speaking in such a sweet tone in his voice while Minho was close to smiling once more. "First you steal my milk, my sleep and now you smell like sandwiches?" Jungkook continued to tease until Jimin overheard this and let out a giggle.

           "Stop saying he steals your milk, pervert!" Giggled the omega as he still kept his eyes shut to sleep after.

            "Ah, your father is so mean to me... He calls me pervert and doesn't like it when I try to play with him!" Jungkook complained to Minho. Resulting in the baby cooing and moving his hands up to try and reach Jungkook's nose. "He's making fun of my nose!" Jungkook laughed as he watched Jimin try to stay awake.

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