Chapter 17: Don't forget

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           Yoongi stood at the hall while he kept gazing at the door he brought closed. He couldn't believe Taehyung would fight with him over something like this. He had his say in these types of things, but Taehyung was too deep into having pups that he alone didn't want to face the fact that his alpha didn't want anything to do with pups. It broke Taehyung’s dream of seeing a happy family within his head. He just wanted to fulfill his happiness and high hopes he had in the future, but Yoongi wasn't willing to give him that side of it. Yoongi would marry Taehyung, kiss him in front of cameras, walk a long mile for his lover, but he wouldn't take such a responsibility of taking care of pups to raise together. Yoongi just thought of it as his own preferences, but Taehyung thought of it as Yoongi just believing he couldn't handle the stress of being a stay-at-home dad.

           Within the room, Taehyung was changing Minho’s diaper while the pup was trying to reach for Taehyung and kept cooing while doing so. The pup was able to feel Taehyung’s emotions just kill off the happy atmosphere and this left Minho to pout once more before he could cry. “N-No no.. Minho please!” Taehyung whispered as Minho opened his mouth and started to cry. “Look! I'm happy! See?” Taehyung whispered desperately while the pup still cried. Knowing the beta was lying anyways. “Please… Don't do this to me..” Taehyung continued as he successfully changed Minho’s diaper and changed him into a baby chicken jumpsuit. After that, Taehyung carried the pup around and sat down on the rocking chair to feed the pup and read him a story. At this moment, Taehyung believed Yoongi was gone and left him there to take care of Minho all on his own. Of course, Taehyung spoke from experience since he knew this was how Yoongi would act even after an argument and wouldn't want to fix things. He'd rather throw things aside and never return to it other than resolving things like how Jungkook and Jimin did. They lived such a perfect love story, Taehyung almost believed they never got into an argument due to how perfect they were.

         Out of everything, Taehyung wanted something beautiful, but every beautiful thing came with an ugly side to it all. “Minho… You're so lucky. You have parents who actually chose to have a pup together.” Taehyung believed as he put a pause on reading the story so he could gaze down at the pup and talk to him while he fed him with the bottle he carried in his other hand while his left arm supported Minho’s head and his hand held the small book. Taehyung remembered that day when Jimin woke up and carried the scent of a pregnant Omega. They gave him advice on telling Jungkook and once he did, the rest was history. Taehyung wanted something like that and only wished his relationship was easy like Jungkook and Jimin’s; but little did he know, there was more writings beyond a simple book cover.

        Eventually, Jungkook and Jimin came home around 4:30 PM in the afternoon and came back after a long wait to get Jimin’s name changed. Very soon, he would receive his new name changed through the mailbox and Jimin just couldn't stop talking about how nice his name would sound. The omega giggled happily and reached the door to gaze back at his alpha who was getting tired from a long day of driving and walking. “Jeon Jimin! Oh hi, I'm Jeon Jimin! Oh HEY! I didn't see you there! By the way, my name is Jeon Jiminie!!!” Jimin giggled so gleefully while he approached the front door to gaze back at his alpha.

        “I'm about to send you back over there so they could keep your name as Park Jimin.” Jungkook teased while Jimin laughed and clung onto his lover so happily. “Get off I'm tired.”

         “Don't be a Yoongi, Jungkookie!” Whispered the omega while he got on his toes and reached up to Jungkook’s neck and whispered something to his husband. “Jungkook, I'm hungry. Let's go.” Jimin whispered and kissed Jungkook’s neck making Jungkook smile and unlock the door of the house.

         “We'll make something together.” Jungkook said and as soon as Jungkook opened the door, Jimin suddenly dashed inside the house and shoved Jungkook back, nearly pushing the Alpha to fall back. Jimin ran up the stairs and eventually met Yoongi just asleep outside the nursery room. Waiting for his Beta and hoping things would lighten up between them. Jimin stopped right in front of the alpha as he gently kicked the tip of his shoe softly to tap the alpha’s arm.

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