Chapter 56: I'll wait for you

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            Jungkook spent no other second than to tackle Minho down gently, tickling the pup and making the small alpha let out playful growls. “I will win Daddy!” Minho shouted in between as Jungkook let out a chuckle and gave the pup a kiss on the cheek, just to get the pup a little more angry and more into the game. “N-No! No, Father! Minho wants to win!”

            “Again, I'm just an object to win.” Jimin laughed as he looked at Jungkook cage the pup under and keep him there while he let out a chuckle after. “Don't hurt him, Kookie!”

            “Not planning on it. I want to be the one that claims everything of you.” Jungkook said, looking at Jimin as Minho suddenly sank his small inch fangs against Jungkook's arm. It didn't really hurt, but it left a faded bite mark that caused Jungkook to look down without a flinch and gawk over at Minho laying under him. The pup still held his mouth closed and over Jungkook’s arm until, Jungkook looked back at Jimin and Minho blankly.

          “Minho! How many times do we have to tell you?! No biting father when you both are playing around!” Jimin told the pup as Jungkook started to laugh once Minho let his father go and quickly crawled over to the omega so he could hug Jimin close. “Hey… Listen, Minho. I told you that biting your father isn't funny!” Jimin told the pup as Jungkook kept laughing at the faded dent of the bite mark while he guided his index fingers along it to see that Minho’s fangs weren't really that strong enough to leave a mark.

           “But father bit Daddy here when wrestling.” The pup replied and placed his hand up to point to the bite mark on Jimin's shoulder. “Minho will bite father too and make father feel bad about it!”

            “No, Minho!” Jimin giggled as Jungkook laughed at the assumption the pup made. “It's different than just a little bite. This mark is like this engagement ring.” Jimin said and reached over to the nightstand and held up the golden ring for his pup. “This bite mark is just like this little ring here. They both hold such a big part in our relationship and it means we will love each other forever and will never leave each other.”

             “Can Minho have one?” The pup asked as he looked at Jungkook after. “Minho wants to match too!”

             “A-Ah! Minho, this is for an alpha and omega, or omega and beta or even a beta and alpha. Among those pairs, two fall in love and mark each other showing that they will love each other and they can have small pups too! Adopt or have them on their own.” Jungkook tried to explain, but Minho tilted his head and giggled right after.

            “Minho will have a ring and mark with Sejin!” Minho shouted excitedly but only then, his parents' eyes widened at those words alone. Jungkook then started to laugh and lay back on the bed with chuckles flowing from him as Jimin face palmed.

            “No! Minho and Sejin is too young! Besides, Seokjin will kill your father and I. Sejin is like their precious rose!” Jimin giggled and picked his pup into a hug just so he could give him kisses on his head. “Don't worry about the love and marks. You can only do it when you're a big boy!”

            “Minho is a big boy!” The young alpha continued as Jungkook couldn't stop laughing after that too and this made Jimin kick his husband off the bed.

              “AH!- JIMIN-SSI”

             “Shut up!” Jimin shouted in return as he kept giggling after, keeping his pup close and holding his small hands. “Minho needs to be at least eighteen years old to be a big boy.” Jimin told the pup and kissed the young alpha's small hand. “But until then, you're my little baby boy.”

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