Chapter 15: The asylum

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         The Omega sat with Jungkook in the big and perfectly polished black car; it came with four leather seats that would warm up on their own, a light brown Interior polished wooden cup holders, and cold air pumping fast through the small vents. Jimin felt the cold air against his face as he sat in the passenger seat with his hand holding the handle just by the side of the car door. Feeling like he could hear the echoes of Minho’s cries. Each second he closed his dark brown eyes, he could just see his pup crying in his crib; it wasn't such a good thought and Jimin just wanted to go back to his pup and take care of him other than having someone else care for him.

        Jungkook caught how tough his Omega was gripping onto the car door handle and kept looking down while his body was leaning against the locked door. “Jiminie…” Jungkook called out as Jimin let out an exhale and quickly looked over at Jungkook. “Babe, are you okay?”

       “N-No… No.. We need to go back to Minho!” Jimin said as Jungkook shook his head and reached over to grab a pair of shades so he could block out the morning sun in his eyes. “No? What do you mean no? I could hear Minho crying and not being attended to!” Jimin worried while he started to let out exhales. “I-I need to go back! This was a big mistake!”

        “Here, facetime with Yoongi and Taehyung. Then, you'll know our pup is okay! If Minho is crying, I will turn this car around and take you home.. I'll handle everything on my own, but if he's not crying and he's sleeping perfectly fine in his crib, you have to come with me to the asylum. Understood?” Jungkook asked and handed Jimin his phone where he had Taehyung as his contacts under the name of ‘The beta’

       “Y-Yes…” Jimin replied and decided to facetime with Taehyung. It wasn't even after the first few minutes Yoongi and Taehyung were at the house, but suddenly, Jimin had the urge to contact them. Jungkook watched Jimin accept the phone and video chat with the beta while his heart was pounding through each second the call had yet to be answered. Eventually, the call was answered and Jimin finally let out an exhale of relief while he gazed at the screen to see Yoongi instead of Taehyung.

          “Ah, Jimin. I knew you wouldn't stay away.” Yoongi added as he let out a snicker. “What do you want?”

          “H-How’s my little Minho? Is he crying? Let me see him!” Jimin continued to beg in worry while Jungkook scoffed. Yoongi then stood up and walked up the steps as he then walked into the nursery room to see that Taehyung was in there; reading one of the nursery books to himself while Minho was still asleep in his crib.

           “Here's Minho.” Yoongi said and walked by Taehyung, not even bothering to ask him a question while Jimin sat up to look at Minho. Just then, Yoongi pointed the camera over to the pup and left Jimin relieved as he gazed at his pup sleeping so silently. “Happy?”

           “Ah, yes… Thank you.. I feel so relieved! Could you do me a favor and facetime me in about… Ten more minutes?” Jimin asked and only then, Jungkook snatched the phone and held it up while he kept driving. “Jungkook!”

           “Don't start, Jiminie. Hey, Yoongi? Don't listen to what he says. Good luck.” Jungkook said as Jimin kept his mouth open, set a bit back that Jungkook managed to snatch the phone; yet he wasn't surprised. It wasn't Jimin’s fault, but Jungkook only did this because he knew Jimin had to grow use to leaving the pup with close friends. Could Jungkook even blame his husband for being overprotective?

            “But Jungkookie..” Jimin continued as Jungkook set his phone down and gazed at the road up ahead.

            “Listen, Babe.. You have to get use to this no matter what. I know it's tough, but you need to understand that Minho is in safe hands.” Jungkook assured while Jimin sat back and began to keep calm through the painful worries he had within. “We're almost there… Let's establish some rooms before we get there. Always hold my hand and stay by my side, don't walk off on your own and only do as I say. If you need something, tell me. I don't know where Kyunsji might be but he will NOT lure you in at all… I can't stand him. He looks like me so much that it scares me, but only a little…”

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