Chapter 63: First night

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           Jungkook walked and carried Jimin in his arms while Minho was running around with his plushies so happily around the front yard. The grass was a vibrant green, the skies were tainted blue with an orange dye along the horizon and the waves clashed onto the shores from up ahead. Jimin could hear his son shouting so happily and running far up to each and every corner of the front yard to see the whole garden.

The omega began to giggle and hold his arms wrapped around the alpha's neck with a smile. “Jungkookie! You really went all out for this house! It's too much..”

           “Ah, let's just say, I'll have to keep working until I die.” Jungkook added and rubbed noses with his husband while he walked up to the house and took out the keys from his pocket. “Minho! Do you want to see inside?” Jungkook asked. Not even raising his voice since he knew the pup could hear from afar. Just by those words, Minho shot his head up, smiled so happily, and ran to the porch with his head nodding continuously. Reaching his parents soon after and kept jumping with excitement. “Calm down, My little lion! You'll get hurt.” Jungkook added on as Minho shook his head and kept watching the alpha unlock the double doors and then push it open.

          “Don't run! Take your shoes off!” Jimin told the pup and just as he was close to getting off of his alpha's arms, Jungkook suddenly grabbed Jimin's ass and squeezed it so the omega wouldn't even dare to get off. “-Oh, Jungkookie! Not in front of Minho!” Jimin whispered into a hiss as Jungkook couldn't stop laughing after. As for Minho, the pup looked around and was amazed at the big entrance of the house. The walls were eggshell white, dark brown wooden floors and leading to the living room, the floors are black marble along the kitchen floors too. The kitchen was spacious, the stove alone was built into the counters in front of the stools to cook right in front of guests too. Minho looked at the big house and admired the fact that in the living room, he looked up to see the constellation and a black, grand piano up ahead. The living room only had colors of black and white stand out and over the fireplace was a family portrait of three. Jungkook wore a black suit, Jimin wore a white suit, and Minho wore his small grey suit with the coat hanging from his hand just thrown over his shoulder.

           “Minho looks WOW!” The pup shouted in awe to see how beautiful the painted portrait came out and there was no imperfection on his own little face. “Daddy, Father!” The young alpha shouted as Jungkook carried Jimin to the living room and set him down as he allowed Jimin to look around at the big living room. Jimin's eyes locked at the huge portrait so happily.

             “It's beautiful!” Jimin added as Jungkook backed up to the light switch and brought down the switch. Dimming the lights down as the light above them with the constellation of the stars up above lit up. Minho then looked up at the galaxy above and started to scream while Jungkook walked over to a small remote by the fireplace to press one button and have the windows in the living room get covered by the blinds. By there, the windows were covered and more of the galaxy could be seen through the blinds covering the window.

             “MINHO IS IN SPACE!” Minho continued to shout as Jungkook then scooped the pup into his arms to hold him up and help him look around the galaxy above. “Piano!” The pup shouted and pointed to the grand piano as Jungkook nodded his head and locked his eyes at the pup.

               “Yes, Minho will be learning how to play!” Jungkook told the young pup while he held his small hand with his own hand. “Minho, we won't be able to go to the kid cafe, but we can stay here and order all the meals you want for the day! How does that sound?” The alpha asked as Minho was too happy to decline now. He just didn't know how better this day could get. “What would you like? Since it's too late for breakfast, how about pizza and some fried chicken? But you need to know that tomorrow, you can't have fried chicken again! Tonight you'll have soup. But now, you can have pizza and fried chicken!”

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