Chapter 3: What I can't be

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           Jimin began to smile at those words his Alpha uttered. Every tone of it was like butter and silk. The perfect feeling of protection surrounded him as the omega couldn't help but to smile from it all. "You'll be here to protect us... Like you did before." Whispered the older omega while he crawled his body over Jungkook's and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

           "Ah, Minho loves to sleep over my chest like you!" Jungkook cooed as Jimin gave such a cute smile before caressing the younger's face and cupping it close. "I could see where he gets it from~"

          "Could you blame him?~ it's such a good spot." Continued the Omega until he let out a yawn. "Being a parent is so much work... At times, I even forget Kyunsji is still out there."

           "That's a good thing. Ignore his existence and you'll be fine. He sends another letter, just rip it up. There's no way a monster like him would be able to leave a tight and secured asylum like that." Promised Jungkook as Jimin nodded his head and kept his eyes closed. "Jimin..." Jungkook called out and caressed the fluffy blond locks of his lover's hair.

          "Mhm...?" Jimin hummed to ask while he felt himself slipping into his deep slumber within seconds.

           "Babe.... Can we... Do it? We haven't done this in a while and I want to feel you." Jungkook asked in a whisper against Jimin's ear. "Please..?"

          "Mm- no... Jungkookie~ ah, maybe soon when we have our rest. Okay?" Assured Jimin followed by another yawn. "We can't do this now... Not when Minho takes up our whole plate! That pup is such a handful. But, he's still perfect to the both of us."

            "So.. Soon?" Jungkook asked as Jimin nodded his head. It'll be a good while until Jimin reaches his heat since he was now pacing further from the surgery a week prior. Jungkook calmed himself down and would rarely get close to his ruts. Hoping not to trigger it from any of that. Jungkook was calm around his small family and even in his sleep. He held his rut back from the people he loved and refrained from hurting them all. He couldn't imagine getting his rut and end up fucking his husband for far too long and ending up hurting his Omega in the process. The very thought of it made a shiver go down his spine and he couldn't even bear to think it through.

           "Jungkookie, I have stitches over the underside of my belly. I don't think it looks attractive for any of that...."

            "Any of that? Ah, baby you're perfect just the way you are! It wouldn't be an issue.. I love you because I do. Not because of your body, Park Jimin.."

           "Ah, n-no.. It's JEON Jimin! See? I'm married to you." Giggled the omega  while he hugged Jungkook so tightly. "Sounds way more better."

           "Then I guess we'll get your last name changed legally. How does that sound?"

          "Jeon Jimin was meant for me. Destined to fit like a glove." The omega then intertwined hands with Jungkook's hands. "Let's get some sleep now, okay? We have a little lion to take care of all day tomorrow." Jimin told Jungkook as Jimin pressed his lips against Jungkook's once more before falling into deep slumber with Jungkook gazing up at the ceiling with his lover in his arms. It's been so long since he's ever felt Jimin. He missed him in bed and wanted to feel Jimin once more for the sake of making love after such a long wait.

          Jimin's belly had the bottom cut horizontally and was closed up with stitches. Jimin wasn't allowed to even wash up until he knew the proper way to clean up around his surgery wounds. Once the sun rose a few hours later, it was 10:03 AM. An hour before Minho would wake up and cry to be fed. Jimin already memorized Minho's sleep and eat schedule, so he was awake every time when Minho's beady and dark brown eyes would blink awake. That was what Jimin kept as his main priority, he woke up before his own husband so he could be able to finally wash up after so long and be able to feed Minho once the clock strikes 11:00AM. This was the original time the pup would be awake by.

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