Chapter 18: A far feeling

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           The following week, Jimin sat alone in the living room while Minho was placed in a small baby pod bouncer that carried the pup while small and plush toys like bunnies or even birds hovered over his small blue seat. Minho kept reaching out to the toys on the mobile while he kicked his feet repeatedly within his light yellow jumpsuit and matching mittens. So far, Minho only left a small scratch mark over his own cheek due to him not wearing any of his mittens while he sleeps. Other than that, Jimin always remembers to take the mittens off the pup so he could be able to move his hands around freely.

          Recently, Minho was able to gain a light and pale smooth skin other than having his pink and newborn baby skin. Yet, the tint still remained along his palms and bottom heels of his feet. Jimin watched over his pup and had a big and white sleeping robe over his own body while he took a sip out of his cup of tea at the break of the afternoon. The Omega’s hair was messy and he looked sleepy almost like any other day. He only refrained from sleeping the day prior since Jungkook was already choosing from the many roles Manager Xin had for him. Talking -or even trying to- was difficult at times like these. It was like Jungkook turned off his hearing and only listened to the crowd that called to him. How could the omega fully blame Jungkook over his passion? This was the alpha’s dream and ruining it wouldn't make Jimin a good husband at all.

            Minho started to coo at the plushed bunny toy just hanging over his body while he made an attempt to reach it, but with each fail, he placed his wet mittens over his mouth to look as if he was thinking of ways to obtain it. Only then, Minho started to grunt and spread his hands up to reach while Jimin blinked his eyes and tilted his head. “Oh Minho… You're such a curious pup.” the Omega claimed and made a smile through the tired and worn out look in his eyes. Jimin set the cup down and got to a level before his pup to remove one bunny from the mobile and turn the bouncer on so it could vibrate while Minho played with the stuffed bunny in his hands. Just before Jimin could even get up to sit back on the couch, Minho placed the bunny in his mouth and gnawed his non-existent teeth over the head. Only managing to slobber all over it. “Ah, I can't really tell what you are… You whine so much like an Omega but then you get this violent with the little things. It's either what type you are… Or you're just a little menace.” Jimin whispered and chuckled so blankly. “Ah, I'm only kidding. You're adorable!~”

          After Jimin spoke to Minho, he yawned once more and lifted his hand over to another nursery book for Minho. Jimin’s eyelids grew heavy as he still longed to read to his pup. “Reading… for Minho is good…” Jimin whispered to himself and tried to fight sleep while he pressed his head against the red throw pillows. It wasn't like Jimin to get too stressed over this. A lot was on his plate; taking care of Minho when Jungkook would stay up all night to study his roles and sleep in for the day, cooking and most importantly, preparing a perfect date with Jungkook for their anniversary that was waiting for them at the end of the long week ahead. Catching up on rest was something Jimin didn't seem to think about even once! He couldn't squeeze it in his agenda all because he longed to give Jungkook all he could ask for.

         The alpha would spoil his omega and this left Jimin to realize that giving things up for him wouldn't be too bad. Alas, the omega dropped in front of the couch and made the small nursery book slip from his grasps and hearing it hit face down onto the white marbled floor. The tired omega finally dropped and was fast asleep, loving the peaceful feeling he had return to him at last. His eyes were glued shut and he just didn't wish to open at all… this was the best feeling to him. However, Minho gazed at his father just rest over the couch; he sat in his bouncer and held the bunny plush while he cooed at the mobile above him.

           Time was passing and Jungkook was still asleep in the bedroom while Jimin was still laying before his son on the couch and catching up on rest too. Leaving Minho to continue cooing. It's already been about twenty minutes of Minho’s non-stop cooing while he dragged the plush bunny around in his grip until he tossed it off to the ground and grew completely silent afterwards. After that, the pup pouted and kept waving his hands around until he began to cry as always. However, his parents were able to distinguish the sound of Minho crying for attention or crying because he wants to be tend to.

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