Chapter 54: In your arms again

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           Jungkook drove over to Namjoon and Seokjin's house as he turned his head to meet with Jimin gripping onto the handle of the door. Ready to run out as soon as they park the car. “Jimin, you'll see Minho. Calm down. I miss him too.” Jungkook added as Jimin looked back at his alpha and let out such a smile that had his eyes just gleaming with tears glistening like diamonds threatening to fall. “He's going to be so happy to see us.”

          “Of course he will! I want to give him a big hug… I missed talking to him, hugging him so he could sleep in my arms, I missed reading books to him too!” Jimin continued and smiled so happily. After all he has been through, he just wanted to see the pup after neglecting him for so long. It hurt them both deeply to know that Minho would be waiting for them to tuck him in and make him smile in his sleep… Yet, that wasn't the case now. Jimin couldn't recall the last time the pup was happy when they would leave for either a heat or rut. The parents would always show up and see Minho in tears while the younger hugged his parents close. But within those many days he'll be left by his parents, Jungkook and Jimin would never keep their little Minho waiting for more than a week, but only now, that was their biggest mistake.

          At the same hour, Seokjin and Sejin was trying to cheer the pup up and keep him from crying like any other night. Out of all the many nights, Minho curled up and cried, hugging a pillow to himself as he then thought of the pillow being Jimin and the other as his father, Jungkook. As sad as this was, Minho wasn't happy even once! He missed his parents and now, he couldn't wait any longer. The young alpha grew furious and started to cry and throw every little thing Seokjin offered him while Sejin kept trying to pull Minho into a hug. Minho would accept the hug and calm down for a bit, but then he'd miss his parents even more and cry, throwing a tantrum here and there.

         “M-Minho.. I'll be okay! Calm down. Why don't we go and read a story? Let's get fried chicken!” Seokjin continued as he handed Minho one of his bedtime stories he left in the house before. But, it didn't lighten up his mood since that story was read to him countlessly and he was tired of hearing the same tale over and over again.

         “MINHO DOESN'T WANT!” The pup shouted as he grabbed the book and tossed it to the wall while standing on the couch with his light blue footed pajamas covering every inch of his small body. “MINHO WANTS FATHER AND DADDY! NO STORY! NO MORE WAITING!” The pup screamed and sobbed loudly and covered his face. “Minho wants daddy and father..”

        “Jeon Minho, I know you miss them so much; but there are things you'll need to understand. They're are older and they have things to handle! Adult things..” Seokjin said. Grabbing the pup and holding him in his arms as Minho was calming down at the embrace of an omega like Seokjin. Silently, the pup sobbed over Seokjin's broad shoulder as Sejin approached the window and gazed out to see a car pull up by the driveway.

          “Father…” Sejin called out and looked at Seokjin while the omega finally gazed up to see that Sejin drew the curtains apart to show the car that pulled up by the driveway, was Jungkook and Jimin's car.

          “Minho, I know what will cheer you up.” Jin whispered as he signalled Sejin to open the door and placed the little alpha down on the ground to hold his small hand with his. “Why don't we take a walk outside?”

           “Nooo!” Minho refused as he pouted in tears after. Just then, Seokjin sighed and didn't take no for an answer. He took the pup outside as Minho wiped his tears and through the gleam of the wet tears in his eyes, he gazed upon the headlights of a car flashing right at him at the night. At that moment, Minho picked up the familiar scent of his parents and stopped crying to step closer to the stairs of the porch. Getting a good view of his parents to make sure it really was them. Just then, Jimin jumped out of the car and slammed the door shut before locking eyes with his small pup that stood at the stairs of the porch so innocently.

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