Chapter 100: Four candles

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            “No… No… They're going to want Ju-won back… I can't let them take him! They've abandoned him at the store and think it's okay to wander back into his life like that? No… No I don't want them to take him away. He'll be abandoned again and I don't think he could take that again!” Taehyung worried and Yoongi only sat next to his husband once again to throw his hand over his shoulder.

            “We need to learn to let go of him. He was never ours but, we cared for him and showed him how his life should be treated. We don't know what his parents have up their sleeves and what they'll tell us when they get here, I just want you to be open to any of their decisions… If they want him, that's their decision and that's their son at the end of the day.” Yoongi assured and Taehyung nodded his head. “We'll just have the whole day tomorrow with him. By the day after, they'll be here to talk to us. Just maybe, they'll change their mind on Ju-won. They had two months and maybe their life has turned around for the better.” Yoongi assured and Taehyung just knew he couldn't complain anymore. Knowing if he did, it'll just be even more of a difficult thing for him to do if he had to let go.

           “I guess you're right.” Taehyung answered and looked down. “Maybe soon, we'll be able to adopt our own pup or maybe get a surrogate.” Taehyung thought to himself and with that, he mentally prepared himself in case the parents wanted Ju-won back. Taehyung knew there was no other pup like the one he carried in his arms that night. However, he had to be strong so Ju-won would learn from him when he looks back at the ones who cared for him when his parents didn't.
            By the next morning, it was Minho's birthday. The pup was now four years old and Jungkook woke up early before the pup so he could wake his husband up. Just like any other year, the couple woke up early to surprise the pup with pancakes stacked over one another with glistening maple syrup running down the top and the sides so perfectly. Decorating the pancakes with whipped cream and a cherry on top. This was what Minho loved getting every morning on his birthday and soon eat seaweed soup for a meal before his own birthday party.

          Jungkook rose up from bed and turned over to gaze at his omega; still asleep and counting sheep. Jungkook took a moment to gaze at his beloved and lean in to press kisses against his plump lip so gently to wake him up after. “Baby… Jiminie~” Jungkook cooed and whispered against his omega's ear to wake his husband up. “Oh! Baby wake up! It's Minho's birthday and you know we have to make him at least four pancakes!” Jungkook told his omega and after a good while of bothering the omega's sleep, he finally woke up.

         “Mmh… Kookie, you know it's going to take a while for me to get up…” Jimin whispered and pushed himself to get up and make breakfast for his pup with his husband before Minho could wake up. “After I make the pancakes and we wake Minho up, I need you to go and get the decorations for later. It's not going to be a big party, just us, Sejin, Namjoon, Seokjin, Yoongi, Taehyung and their little Ju-won.” Jimin said as Jungkook nodded his head and stood up to stretch.

          “Hurry up and go put on a shirt.” Jungkook told his omega as Jimin looked down to see that he was shirtless and only had on his briefs covering his lower half of his body.

           “Jungkook! Ah, this is why I go to sleep after you now! Pervert…” Jimin laughed and covered his chest with the blanket until Jungkook picked up a random yellow sweater and a bra to toss at the omega so he could put it on. “Love you too.” Jimin giggled and began to change into his sweater and bra underneath while Jungkook watched the omega and pulled a smile after.

           “Four years old… Ah, and it was just four and a half years ago I was panicking about being a father… Oh how the time has passed.” Jungkook spoke and caused his omega to grin with glee just at the thought of it.

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