Chapter 55: Through those selfless eyes

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         The young man kept his eyes down at the menu before him as he could hear the older's low voice from behind him. At that moment, the beta tried to hold himself back from going off to see his old friend, but he sat there and held his breath. He didn't want to ruin the relationship he had now and he knew his boundaries so he ignored Jung Hoseok even further. “Hm, I don't need to go up to him and talk to him. I don't need him. I just need Yoongi. Even if we were to be friends, I doubt he'll be stable around me.” Taehyung said in his head and folded his arms like a child. “I don't need a friend like him… Trying to take me away from my husband. What a joke..” Taehyung continued to tell himself until he almost tried to look back at the alpha close by. “There needs to be a reason why he's here…” The beta whispered until he looked back to see Hoseok hanging up the call he had and taking a sip out of his coffee.

             Taehyung slowly looked away and tapped his index finger against his other constantly as his mind looked back at the time he was at the dressing room of his movie just three years back. Hoseok looked into his eyes and made a smile as they grew silent with just one stare that shimmered in gold, one stare that made Taehyung's heart beat from worry and fear, but at the same time… He felt as if he wanted time to stop; he wanted to gaze into Hoseok's eyes. However, that feeling he felt before was nothing to him now. He loved Yoongi and even if there was a little spark where his heart should beat when he gazed into the eyes of the director, Taehyung tossed it away. Knowing well that those feelings only lasted for a small second three years ago.

            “Whatever… I'll just have my coffee, read my book and then head over to the museum.” Continued the beta; talking to himself and nodding his head right after. Just as he was about to order his cup of coffee, a waitress approached Taehyung and handed him a pumpkin spice latte in a glasses mug and made a smile. “Uh… I didn't order yet..” Taehyung replied and tipped his glasses down to look at the latte.

               “Oh, but the gentleman over there sent it.” The waitress claimed as Taehyung looked back to lock eyes with Jung Hoseok. “You're Kim Taehyung right? Yes! You used to work for Jung Hoseok in films! I just love his films and your acting! Should I call him over here?” The waitress asked happily as Taehyung stood up and shook his head.

              “That'll be all. I was just waiting for someone..” Taehyung lied and glanced at his phone to shake his head once more. “Not coming today, so I'll be on my way.”

              “Should I put this in a-”

             “No, I have to be somewhere else. Please send it back and say that I send my thanks.” Taehyung replied as he gathered his things and walked out the cafe with Hoseok watching his every move. This made the alpha tilt his head as soon as Taehyung walked out of the cafe and stand up to pursue him, yet, the younger was quick to leave. To Taehyung, it was embarrassing to deny the drink since he wanted something to eat and drink too. But he walked through these halls before, he listened to the same tune before and dreamed of the same skies. He wasn't willing to lose his husband through this again.

             As Taehyung walked out to his car, Hoseok suddenly appeared right by him and slammed his hand at the car door. Not wanting him to leave. “Taehyung…” Hoseok said as he moved his eyes to meet with the beta's by there. The beta didn't know what to do now. He stood there and let out a sharp breath at the moment, gazing back at the older in silence. “Why have you been ignoring me…? What did I do to deserve this?”

             “Stop talking to me, Hoseok… I'm not willing to lose my husband through you again.” Taehyung mentioned as Hoseok scoffed.

             “It's not my fault. It's not my fault that the two of you had issues. I never said anything to hurt you and Yoongi's relationship.” Hoseok replied and kept his hand over the car door to look into the beta's eyes. “I… Wanted to talk to you. I came to daegu for you.”

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