Chapter 90: Beyond those gleaming eyes

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          The couple stayed at the clinic after and was given medications for the twins Jimin carried now. Just the gleeful thought of having two pups instead of one sounded so much better to Jimin! He loved the idea of having pups with Jungkook and growing their small family by two more. Even if the gender was left as a surprise, Jimin thought of this as a way to start thinking of names for the twins. The two walked out of the room holding hands as the omega kept looking at the pictures of the ultrasound and gazing at the two hearts the twins carried and Jimin just couldn't stop gazing at it with a big smile appearing on his face.

           “Look at them, Kookie!! Do you think they'll look the same? AH! I'm so excited!” Jimin said happily and then pointed his head up to look at the bodyguard still standing there and making sure the Jeon's were kept safe. “Joo-Ho! Twins! I'm having twins!!” Jimin announced happily as the alpha looked at the omega and clapped to congratulate him. But only then, Jungkook pulled Jimin's hand back and glared at him after. “A-Ah… Jungkook-”

           “Cool it… You're making me jealous.” Jungkook hissed and pushed his shades over his eyes once more and walked forward with his omega right by his side. “Joo-Ho. We're heading back to the car. Focus on protecting my Jimin.” Jungkook ordered as he then rolled his mask over his nose and mouth and carried a bag of the vitamins for Jimin on his other hand.

         “Yes, Mr. Jeon…” Joo-Ho answered with fear vibrating at the back of every tone in his voice. It was until now, he realized that Jungkook alone was very tough; treating him like nothing but a brick wall. However, Jimin seemed more calmer and more caring. It was just safe to say that Jungkook wasn't going to drop his negative thoughts held against the bodyguard he just met the day before. Through Jungkook's bitter attitude towards the alpha, Jimin took all the guilt from Jungkook;  all those mean things he threw at the other alpha, Jimin received the guilt just by witnessing it and standing by through it all. Jimin felt like his own husband was tough on the bodyguard and he looked back to see Joo-Ho keeping his blank expression. Doing all of this to keep the job from slipping through his hands.

       As soon as the door pulled open of the clinic, the same crowd waited outside for the couple and bombarded the two with ridiculous questions that only caused Joo-ho to step up and block the people from getting too close to Jimin themselves. Following the orders of his boss and making sure none of them laid a single finger on the expecting omega. Jimin looked around and listened to the most stupidest questions he could ever be asked. Most of them asked if he had an affair with Kyunsji and got pregnant through that and this alone left the omega to almost want to stop and answer that he would never even dare to do such a thing. Yet, even if he tried to respond; they would never listen to him at all and twist his words. So, Jimin kept walking and noticed how Joo-Ho didn't hesitate to walk through them like nothing. Making Jimin feel a little bad that Jungkook still wanted to doubt the loyalty of this new bodyguard.

         Once they reached the car, Jungkook sat in with his omega sitting right on the passenger seat and glancing out the window to see the bodyguard still holding the crowd back from walking up to the car and slamming their hands against the windows to get their attention. Jimin watched the alpha and looked back at Jungkook to fold his arms. “Kookie… You're being so mean to him! Look at what he's doing out there just so we could stay safe!”

       “This is his job, Babe. He made his bed and he will lay in it.” Jungkook replied while the omega held onto the pictures of the two pups in silence. “I have work today. I'll let you go off to Seokjin's house with Minho.”

          “Or… Let that bodyguard help out for the day and guard me and Minho from anything. Jungkook, we can't just lead him off like this. He wants to help and he chose this path. He'll watch over Minho and I, so I won't worry about it too much!”

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