Chapter 16: Pitied

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             Jungkook stood there with his fists clenched shut as he ripped his shades from his eyes. The man showed how his scary eyes lingered with anger and frustration while he just dared to step in front of the crazy Alpha before him. Every little feature Kyunsji beared ticked him off; from his two teasing eyes that followed along Jungkook’s face, his familiar nose, the deep scratches on his face and the disturbing smirk his lip carried that seemed to taunt Jungkook each second. The view of Kyunsji from where Jungkook was standing just caused him to start growling more while Jimin was forced to watch his alpha lose it!

        “How's my little Minho?” Kyunsji asked in a sly tone to his voice while Jimin’s eyes widened. Knowing by here, Jungkook was ready to swing! The Alpha gritted his teeth and right when he was about to move his fist into an uppercut, Jimin suddenly grabbed Jungkook’s wrist back and refrained from letting his husband finish the job.

        “JUNGKOOK, NO!” Jimin shouted as the Omega behind the desk dashed over to pull Kyunsji back. Jimin looked up at Jungkook and still held his fist until Jimin slowly unfolded it and locked hands with his alpha to show him it was okay and there was no need to fight. “D-Don’t do this…” Whispered Jimin while he gazed up at Jungkook. Calming his alpha down to realize that Jimin did this for Jungkook’s reputation and didn't want anyone to fear him or point any fingers.

       Kyunsji was pulled back by the Omega who desperately tried to protect his idols as Kyunsji suddenly shoved the employee back. “-AH! MR. SAHIRO CALM DOWN!” Shouted the man as Jimin turned his face to look at Kyunsji tilting his head and making a creepy smile and with all those scars made the smile even more disturbing! Jimin flinched and held Jungkook’s hand while the couple backed up. Even if Jungkook wanted to punch Kyunsji’s jaw out of place, he had to stop before he gains a bad reputation to his name.

         “Look at you… Backing up from a fight. Jimin doesn't want you to fight me; the one he truly loves! It's obvious his heart beats for me or else he would have allowed you to hurt me!” Kyunsji assumed while Jungkook was smart enough to know that wasn't any of Jimin’s intentions. Jimin only wanted to keep Jungkook’s name clean.

         “No! He loves me and you know it!” Bickered the young alpha while Kyunsji grew upset, he gritted his teeth and suddenly started to charge at Jungkook. Only then, the Omega behind him inserted the needle of the a tranquilizer on his shoulder and caused the obsessive alpha to suddenly roll his eyes back and shut once he was given the shot and only then, he dropped onto the Omega’s arms. Jimin let out a relieved sigh after experiencing something so frightening; Jungkook finally stepped back and looked at Jimin and back at Kyunsji who was now laying back on the worker and having his eyes closed.

          “Please do everything you can to prevent him from escaping…” Jungkook claimed as their fan nodded his head, feeling proud he saved the couple from Kyunsji. Everyone believed he was crazy, but no one believed he was mental. If Kyunsji was mental and truly insane, that would have caused criticism to surface towards Jungkook due to the way he talked back to a mental patient. It wouldn't look good to the media, so Jimin tried his best to keep Jungkook from ruining his own fame. “We can't have him coming to hurt us and our Minho.”

          “Y-Yes! I won't let him escape.” The staff member claimed as he blew on the whistle just hanging over his neck. This alone called in other staff members to help and take Kyunsji to another room for him to stay in. “We'll also take his phone away, the one he hid of course. Don't worry about anything and leave it to us.” The man claimed as Jimin nodded his head and made a smile, glad that there was action being taken. However, he still felt a bit uncomfortable due to the fact that Kyunsji wanted him so desperately, he was willing to hurt Jungkook just so he could get to Jimin so quickly. Jimin wasn't surprised since this was expected from the creepy alpha. As the couple walked out of the building with their hands locked and having the matching, hand-crafted roses over their pocket or even behind their ear, Jimin just couldn't stop himself from feeling a bit bad that Kyunsji was so excited to see him back there. Yet, Jimin never really considered pitying him and dropping charges at all. He just felt a little bad.

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