Chapter 59: The gap between us

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       Yoongi walked into the room as he carried the roses in his hand with the cold bottle of wine in the other. Playing it off like he didn't know what the beta just did behind his back. After so long, Hoseok was ignored and they alone never spoke about him at all for a good week, Until… Taehyung ran into him. Of course, Yoongi waited for his beta to mention why he had to call Hoseok, but the beta was silent when it came to this. He just didn't know how to talk to his alpha especially if he broke Yoongi’s trust to go on and speak to the director. However, The alpha wasn't upset. He heard Taehyung and trusted him with everything; realizing that Taehyung alone was able to shove off the other with a few tears. It was normal for the beta to feel bad because he alone had such a warm heart when it came to being social.

           “Darling, I have a surprise for you.” Yoongi said happily and ignored what other situation stood in their way. He no longer wanted to argue with his beta and just held out the roses and smiled for his husband. “We should celebrate you getting back into shooting movies. Isn't that great?”

           “Y-Yes…” Taehyung replied as Yoongi watched his beta wipe his own tear silently. “Ah, thank you so much. I needed this..”

           “Why are you crying, darling?” Yoongi asked. However, he never expected the beta to say the truth. He was too scared to confront his alpha on how he went back to Hoseok just to call or jump into a movie Hoseok was going to direct.

          “I was just...upset.. That's all.” Taehyung then chuckled as he looked over at the alpha and accepted the roses Yoongi held for him. “A little tense… Upset… That's all.” The beta continued and guided his hands up to gaze at the bouquet of roses. “They're beautiful…”

         “O-Oh yeah. You know, Tae.. You can tell me anything, Darling. I would never hurt you… Even if it's bad news… Even if you don't want me. I want you to understand that all is well. Nothing will make me ever want to hurt you.” Yoongi promised. It was the fact that he just knew his husband was growing afraid, he just didn't want to give off that feeling anymore, even if that alone came over him and at times made the alpha frustrated. The older then smiled and set the wine bottle down along with the bouquet of roses before he laid Taehyung back onto the bed to make him smile while he started to kiss the beta until he eventually heard the beta let out a giggle and cup his alpha's face right after. “Then tell me later.” Yoongi added and kissed the younger under him.

           “Y-Yoongi, stop!” Taehyung laughed while his husband held him close. Showing how much he loved him. From there, Taehyung knew he just couldn't hide it from the alpha. Something in him just knew that Yoongi heard the call and wanted to hear it from his own beta's mouth. “Ah- you won't stop, won't you?” The beta giggled after and smiled while the kisses alone lead to his neck and to his mark. By there, Taehyung didn't feel afraid as he was before. He felt loved and just knew he had to tell Yoongi either way. “I'm an idiot…”

          “Yes you are.” Yoongi stopped and let out a chuckle and cupped his face happily. “I heard you on the phone… I now know why you explained how much you loved this movie. Did you think I was going to take your passion away? Darling, this is just like years back when you travelled far to go off and act in a movie; you hesitated because of me… But don't worry.. I'm not going to make you risk this. Surely, I don't really like that alpha, but if doing this movie makes my darling happy, do it. Just don't talk to Hoseok outside of business purposes. Do you understand me?”

        “Yes.. Thank you, Yoongi!” Taehyung promised and wrapped his arms around his alpha just towering over him. “I won't make you upset… I won't hurt you and I won't hide anything from you.” Taehyung claimed and made his alpha smile. It was like everything was cleared up between the two. No matter how bad the situation gets, he's always sure to tell his alpha from this point forward.

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