Chapter 98: No more waiting

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          It was finally two months later and the small family was on the red carpet of Jungkook's premiere for his film. All of this was normal to Jungkook and Jimin, but, Minho was busy shouting and making many poses he struck for the cameras before him. Jimin had his baby bump slightly larger than an average two month baby bump since he had his twins growing inside. By now, they were the size of a peach! Jungkook and Jimin matched in black and white as Minho wore a grey coat over the black dress shirt under, grey shorts up to the knees and classy shoes that fit him perfectly.

          Jeon Minho's hair was rolled back and styled, exposing his forehead and the fans around them never failed to shout for the cute pup. “Minho makes everyone's heart flutter!” The pup shouted cutely. Jimin smiled down at his son as they walked into the theater for the first premiere of Jungkook's action film. Walking in front of cameras with paparazzi shouting their names for the attention of the actors within the film and of course, Jungkook's name as well. As soon as they stepped into the building, Joo-ho joined them by there and walked behind them to make sure nothing else happens once they walk to the main lobby and into the theater room where the movie will be played at.

           Down the halls of many framed posters of upcoming movies and best films there, Minho turned his head and suddenly locked eyes at the ‘Rujiko' poster. Making the pup gasp and then turn his head to his parents and pointed. “DADDY AND FATHER!” Minho shouted excitedly. “Minho wants to see!!”

         “Ah! That movie is… too mature… For you, Minho!” Jungkook said and held his pup's hand while Jimin held the other

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         “Ah! That movie is… too mature… For you, Minho!” Jungkook said and held his pup's hand while Jimin held the other. The four stopped in front of the poster right before the film could begin and Jungkook began to think of the nostalgic moments he had back then for the premiere of ‘Rujiko'. That was the day he called Jimin his and confessed to the world after. Minho had no idea what significance this film held, but Joo-Ho knew all about it since he too was a fan of the couple. “The memories… Ah, hey! Remember when you got your heat after we shot that one scene-”

          Unexpectedly, Jimin brought his hand across Jungkook's shoulder to scold him and laugh at the same time. “Don't remind me! You caused it anyways!”

           “Are the two of you talking about the bath scene? Was that part unscripted?” Joo-ho asked and stuffed his hands into the coat of his burgundy tux. Not wanting to wear black and white for this occasion since black and white was something Jungkook and Jimin wore best.

           “...Y-Yes…” Jimin said and scratched his head nervously. Jungkook then followed up with a laugh while Minho kept gazing at the poster.

           “YOU SHOULD'VE SEEN HIS FACE! The moment when I improvised, his eyes widened and he just couldn't stop acting for one second! It was at that moment when Jimin knew… He fu-” Jungkook was then interrupted as Jimin hit the alpha once more on the shoulder and shoved him forward to keep walking. “AH- the abuse!...I love it.~”

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