Chapter 13: A big favor

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           Jimin had to think of a way to get use to leaving Minho with Taehyung and Yoongi. Not that he didn't trust his close friends, it was because Omegas tend to grow really close to their own and don't ever wish to separate from their pups at all. Even the Alphas tend to grow use to protecting their pup, there will be slight emptiness once they leave their pup with Yoongi and Taehyung. The omega wanted to grow accustomed to this idea and began to wonder on how long will the visit to the asylum would take.

          “Jungkook..” Jimin called out; “Do you still have that letter from Kyunsji? We should use it as evidence.”

           “Of course I do. I won't accuse him and not bring anything. I know how things work and anything bad like that could ruin my life. I'm just glad I don't see any mental disabilities with him or else, beating him up and sending him to jail would just kill my reputation.” Jungkook claimed; watching Minho slowly fall asleep and close his eyes while he was still being fed by his father.

            “Why would it ruin you? He acts before he thinks it and Kyunsji understands things. He's not disabled. Although, he may seem mental, he knows how to distinguish from right and wrong. It's not going to be on you if you put him back in his place.” Jimin retorted, but Jungkook only denied it further. Relying on what the media will think. Of course, his fans were what mattered in the situation and them finding out that Jungkook hurts and sends this mental alpha to prison every time, they will just pity Kyunsji and accuse Jungkook of a bad person. They won't stop until they get the full and disturbing story Jungkook just hoped not to speak of to everyone. Especially if it came to having Jimin’s business spilled all over the internet.

           “Everyone will pity the disabled alpha and hate on me for causing such hell in his life! It's better to keep things silent between our feud to avoid controversy.” Claimed the Alpha while he watched Minho fall asleep before he walked over to the small pup and scooped him up and into his arms to take him to his crib. “I don't want anything to do with him, so let's end it all tomorrow.” Jungkook assured while Jimin placed his cropped bra over his chest and rolled his sweater down after to stand up.

            “I'll call Taehyung and tell him all about it. If they can't, why don't we leave Minho with Manager Xin?” Jimin wondered as Jungkook shook his head and set Minho down onto the soft and comfortable crib.

            “Manager Xin will be the one taking us.” Responded the alpha into a whisper, leaving Jimin to giggle and cup his mouth so adorably to his husband.

            “Jungkookie, leave that man alone, we have our own car now! No need to have a limo drag us everywhere.”

             “I love feeling special! And, you're right either way. A limo does bring too much attention. Why couldn't we get a car much sooner? Things would be much more easier.” Jungkook laughed to himself and paced away from Minho’s crib, setting the veil over the white wooden crib and finally walking out of the room to hold hands with Jimin. “Let's cook something together. By now, I'm already getting used to staying up for our little pup.” Suggested the older while Jimin agreed and checked his phone to send a message for Taehyung so he could answer to him later.

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