Chapter 108: The final act

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        Every word, every sentence, it was enough to throw Jungkook into anger while he quickly got up and shoved Kyunsji down onto the ground. Despite all the blood racing down the alpha's red face, Jungkook didn't hesitate to punch Kyunsji for all the pain he brought into the family. Images of Minho laying on the hospital bed, flashed into Jungkook's mind and this caused the alpha to get over himself and finally climb over the alpha to resume throwing rough punches. Jungkook sat over Kyunsji's torso and refused to move even once until he was done. Even Jungkook alone wanted to kill Kyunsji already.

         However, on the video playing behind the two on the screen, it was a video of Minho crying over the fact that he dropped a piece of cake on his first birthday. As Minho began to cry, Jimin stepped into the frame of the camera and called out to Jungkook.

         Jungkookie!” Jimin called within the video and this caused Jungkook to hold his fist back from punching Kyunsji. Giggles followed after in the video and it distracted Jungkook and made Kyunsji finally seek an advantage. Kyunsji kicked Jungkook off and smirked as he ran to a table where he got a hold of the gun. Just as he began to load in the bullets, Jungkook turned over quickly to dash to the alpha.

          “I knew those videos were going to get to you!” Kyunsji laughed and once he loaded the gun, Jungkook gripped onto the alpha's torso tightly and held him back. “AH! Oh you're really just begging to be shot dead, HUH?” Kyunsji hissed and suddenly, Jungkook kept the tight grip onto the alpha's wrist once more to drop the gun, but this only resulted in Kyunsji shooting a bullet skyward and then pointed the gun to the screen where the videos were played. The gun shot another bullet and struck the screen where Minho was smiling. Jungkook stood there and watched the screen fall back as the audio was still playing so he could hear every giggle, every cheer and word Minho uttered on his first birthday video.

            “I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!” Jungkook shouted and suddenly threw the gun off to unexpectedly grip onto Kyunsji's neck to strangle him harder. Just seeing the gun shoot onto the screen where Minho showed, gave Jungkook a burst of pain. He slammed the alpha down against the desk where the gun was laying before and broke the desk once he dropped Kyunsji down. However, this wasn't enough to erase that creepy smile he had on through every punch and pain Jungkook threw. Kyunsji did this to get on the alpha's nerves.

           “I-I'll keep them both! T-They'll forget about you and love me! I'll be the perfect understudy!” Kyunsji hissed and this made Jungkook throw one more punch until… Kyunsji swiftly gripped onto the alpha's wrist and suddenly twisted it with no hesitation.

           “AH- F-FUCK!” Jungkook hissed in pain as Kyunsji finally gripped onto Jungkook's body and threw him aside onto the cold floor again. Pain overcame Jungkook with just stings on his broken wrist as he cupped it and closed his eyes shut. Laying there on the cold ground from the agony.

          “Broke your wrist? Aw… Don't worry… I'll end the pain..” Kyunsji whispered and walked over to the gun across the ground. His face was covered in the blood of the wounds and he only wiped it off with the sleeve of his black sweater. “Then… All of Jimin will be mine..  His body, his heart, his addicting giggles… Oh, I can talk about him forever!” Kyunsji added as he then loaded in another bullet and smiled down at it too. “Such a shame you lost all because your pretty little wrist was twisted. What was that? You said you were going to kill me? Oh… When is that?! I'll give you five seconds…” Kyunsji laughed and pointed the gun at the alpha. “Five…. Four…” Kyunsji continued as Jungkook turned over to face the alpha and try to stand up as the pain doubled once he tried to move his wrist to stand.

            “NGH! B-BASTARD!” Jungkook hissed and right before Kyunsji could reach the last number, the doors opened to the studio and in ran Joo-Ho. The bodyguard ran in with all he can and suddenly pushed Kyunsji down, making the alpha shoot the bullet and only tend to flick a strand of Jungkook's hair.

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