Chapter 38: The scandal

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             When dawn broke, it was 6:30 AM. Minho was awaken and greeted by no one on the bed. He began to panic and thought he lost his father as he looked around to room for Jimin. The pup grew extremely attached since Jimin was the only omega in the household. To Minho, it was like he couldn't breathe without his best friend by his side. “Daddy?” Minho asked with a whisper as he looked around and finally gazed over at the cracked door up ahead. “Father took Daddy..” The pup whispered as he grabbed his plushies and ran out the room to look at the living room and finally meet eyes with his parents sleeping together.

            “NO!” Shouted the pup as he glared at his parents sleeping on the one seat couch together. “MINHO DOESN'T LIKE!” Minho cried louder and it was enough to wake the married couple up and look around before resting their eyes on Minho; who was holding his plushies and giving an angry pout. “Minho wants daddy!”

             Jimin blinked his tired gaze and rolled his hair back before standing up and letting out a sigh. “Ah, Min-Min… What did I tell you about sharing? I don't only belong to you, I belong to your father too!” Jimin said with a smile as he scooped Minho up into his arms and smiled. “It's so early in the morning for you to be up, Min-Min.”

              “Minho wants daddy to sleep with Minho tonight!” The pup ordered as Jungkook let out a scoff.

               “Hey! Jimin is my omega. Not only yours!” Jungkook bickered as Minho shook his head.

               “Daddy is Minho's daddy! Not father's!” The pup continued as Jimin let out a sigh. He'd always stay in between the alphas and always had to be the one to break it up.

               “Minho! Don't be like that to your father; he has his rights to want me too. If you keep this greedy behavior up, I guess we can't go to the kid cafe today.” Jimin said and made the pup gasp.

               “Minho wants kid cafe!” The young alpha continued as Jungkook let out a laugh and took Minho off Jimin's hands.

                “Alright, Minho. You'll go today, but you'll go with daddy since Father needs to work today. Understood? So you get to have daddy with you all day until I get back. Then you'll have to share.”

                 “I like how I've become some property to fight over.” Jimin stated sarcastically as he walked to the bathroom on the first floor. “I'll make breakfast, Min-Min, let your father help you out and brush your teeth today before he goes to work.” Jimin answered as he walked into the bathroom and closed the door.

             “Daddy never likes brushing his teeth with Minho..” The young alpha claimed and made another pout.

             “No, that's not it. It's because we both are alphas and we both have fangs so at the moment, your fangs are still fragile and growing so he's scared he might ruin them.” Jungkook claimed as he walked with Minho to the other bathroom. “Omegas aren't like us. Their bodies are different and the way they do things are different. They don't really know much about fangs and how delicate they are at your age so, your daddy let's me help you.” Jungkook added as he set the pup down on his stool in front of the big mirror at the bathroom sink. “Okay, let's brush our teeth.” Jungkook said. Picking Minho's small toothbrush up and putting the toothpaste for sensitive fangs and teeth. “Do you need me to do it this time?”

            “Minho can do it!” The pup said confidently while he grabbed the small, light up, toothbrush and started to brush his teeth gently while Jungkook grabbed his own tooth brush so he could brush his own teeth right by Minho. After the two were done, they met with Jimin in the kitchen while the omega was brewing tea for the morning, making warm milk for the pup, and preparing waffles with fruits over it too. However, Jungkook couldn't help out like always since he had to sit Minho in his high chair and hurry to his room so he could shower and get ready for work. The alpha had the first day of a brand new action movie to shoot and Jimin was excited Jungkook was going out and shooting movies like he used to.

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