Chapter 7: One after the other

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          Minho was awake, his beady eyes locked with the mobile above him as he waved his hands that were hidden within the yellow baby mittens. The pup then placed the yellow mittens over his mouth and only then, he tried to suck on his fist, but he couldn't. The pup then started to kick both of his feet in sync while his face turned red within seconds while he started to move his hands around and want the comfort of freeing his own hands. Eventually, this led to Minho starting to cry and close his eyes while he kept moving his hands everywhere through his tears.

        Just as this occurred, Jimin was down in the living room. He didn't hear his pup and just sat on the couch with Jungkook as they locked lips and hugged each other close. The young alpha hovered over his Omega and caged him under with only their sharp breaths being heard. Jimin wasn't paying attention; he felt Jungkook trail his hands down his petite torso and felt the rush of hid lips locked with Jungkook’s for the night. Only then, it all stopped when Jungkook heard Minho from afar. Jungkook stopped and detached his lips from Jimin’s warm and pink plump lips before looking up at the stairs and hearing his pup loud and clear when Jimin couldn't hear a thing. This left the two just to gaze into each other’s eyes and even then, he could hear the cries coming from the baby monitors set in the kitchen, the bedroom, the bathroom and down the hall leading to the stairs. This made Jungkook quickly stand up and leave Jimin there with his hair a mess while the younger went over to the kitchen. Jungkook then returned to Jimin and held the baby monitor up.“Our little pup is hungry.” Jungkook claimed as Jimin let out a giggle and stood up to fix his hair.

       “Alright, but don't you dare try to get something out of it.” Giggled the Omega as he was quick to run upstairs to his pup after. What the two had planned was to feed Minho and then start the livestream just so they could show their fans the clothes and things they had for Minho. Jimin walked to the nursery room where he stepped in quickly and heard his pup crying and trying so hard to remove his yellow mittens from his hands. Just as he almost threw the mittens off his hands, Jimin peered over and removed the yellow and soft mittens from Minho’s small and pink hands. “I know, I know… I'm sorry for putting those demons on you.” Cooed the Omega while he carried the pup in his arms to calm him down.

        “You have to keep those mittens on him or else he'll scratch his face up! He looks too young and cute to ruin such chubby cheeks like his.” Jungkook claimed while Jimin walked over to the rocking chair to sit down and shake his head.

         “He doesn't like it. I think he likes slobbering all over his fist and making a cute smile without any teeth. Adorable, but I don't think he'll scratch his own face.” Chuckled the omega while Jimin reached over for the bib and placed it under Minho’s chubby chin. Causing Jungkook to smirk and pull up a seat just so he could watch Jimin breastfeed Minho. “Ah! Jungkook, stop staring at me like that!”

          “Baby, I'm only staring at you. You take things too far.” Jungkook added with a chuckle before he suddenly got an idea that made him stand up a second after. Soon leaving Jimin to smile and shake his head once more.

           “Your father is really crazy. I hope you don't get that from him! You're too pure to be like that crazy alpha.” Jimin whispered as the pup began to coo so he could be fed. “The only time you talk to me is when you want to be fed… Not surprising.” Chuckled the Omega as he then moved Minho closer and rolled his sleeved shirt up. Jimin had a cropped top under his shirt, but these were just like bras for male Omegas that give birth. For Jimin, his size wasn't so big and he was just a one cup, but Jungkook didn't care about that and was still desperate to ‘play’ with it; even if Jimin told him off countless times.

         The Omega lifted the crop and began to breastfeed his pup while he looked at Minho open his eyes and gaze up at his father. Only then, the peace was disrupted when Jungkook suddenly stepped in with a camcorder locked around his right hand. “Ah! Jimin you started without telling me?”

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