Chapter 43: At ease

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            Jimin's heart began to race as his eyes met with the mess just within his dresser. Jimin spent no other second than to reach for the house phone at the nightstand and pick it up so swiftly so he could call the police. Minho was very confused; the boy looked around and gazed at his father just stand outside the dresser with a blank stare. “Father… Minho is scared..” Minho whispered as Jungkook looked back and held out his hand. “Is the police going to take Minho away for not saying where the evil man was? M-Minho is sorry!” The pup continued and pouted as Jungkook turned around and scooped his son into his arms and held him close while eyeing the mess in the dresser. That was where Kyunsji hid all day yesterday.

             “No, my little lion. They aren't coming for you… They are coming for the evil man. This is evidence…” Jungkook continued as he stroked the back of Minho's head. “That evil man held you in his arms just yesterday… He looks like me, but I'm surprised you couldn't tell that it wasn't me.” Jungkook added as he tilted his head to catch the attention of his son. Just so he could ease the boy's worry while Jimin made the phone call.

            “Minho didn't know.” The pup replied as he had his small hands over Jungkook's shoulders. “Will.. Daddy, Minho and father be safe from that evil man?”

             “Of course we will. I'll make sure of it. We'll get our new house soon. We just have to stay at Namjoon and Jin’s house for now. Then we can have our own lives in our new house. Our safe castle only for us! The best security!” Jungkook said with a smile as he smiled at his pup. Knowing that by there, he made his pup smile.

           “The cops are on their way.” Jimin said as he looked up at the two. “Jungkook… You won't leave us here when he's out there… Trying to take us, right?” Jimin asked as he held Jungkook's hand out of the fear that wandered in his mind. He wanted Jungkook to stay with the two for the day and that was all Jimin could ever think of. Being by his alpha made him feel so safe, so calm and at peace, he didn't have to worry about the fake coming after him and hugging him or trying to take him and the pup. Just last night, Minho refused to go out with Kyunsji and the pup followed his guts. Believing what his father would always tell him and that was bedtime was very important.

              “I won't leave you both here. Since I go on set today, why don't I bring you both for the day?”

               “But Jungkook… What if the director-”

              “Don't worry about it. Other actors bring their own guests on set. As long as they're QUIET it'll be alright. Did you hear me, Minho?”

              “Yes!” The pup said so happily as he let out a giggle and began to wiggle away from Jungkook's grasp just so he could get ready to go with his parents to his very first movie set. “Minho loves movies!” Minho continued as he let out a giggle and ran to his own room. Leaving Jimin to smile and watch his pup run off.

             “Not now Minho! We have to wait for the police to get here!” Jimin added as the alpha chuckled before him and pulled him close by the waist and had him against his body. “Ah, what do you want now, Jungkookie?~”

             “I just want to hold you close. I also want you to know that very soon, we'll be free from him. Once we get that new house, I can assure you, he will no longer break in. If he does, he'll be behind bars for a long time. I am sure of it...” Jungkook concluded as he locked lips with his husband and felt the omega kiss back but only smile for a while before it faded after. “Where's my smile?~”

             “Jungkookie… Why was Kyunsji here last night? Minho and I were left untouched. I wasn't marked or anything and all he seemed to do was hold Minho and try to take him! What if he takes Minho soon? What will that make us? W-What if he hurts our little Min-Min?” Jimin kept asking in worry. With all these thoughts, Jimin felt his mind run wild with just these questions and eventually lead him to feel paranoid by the second.

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