Chapter 86: A new face

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           By the next day in the afternoon, Jungkook sat on the couch with the pup playing on the piano. Each key Jeon Minho pressed down on, was followed by giggles and big smiles reaching ear to ear. The alpha sat back on the couch, wearing his dark blue jean jacket, matching ripped jeans, a white shirt underneath his jean jacket and his round, silver circular glasses over his chocolate brown beating eyes. The alpha sat there with his husband fast asleep over his lap while he read over the same paragraph news article about himself on his phone over and over again. Waiting for his husband to wake up as he sat there and kept his watch over Minho.

           Jimin was starting to get exhausted now and eat a little more to have enough energy for his pup. Even now, Jimin knew he was on week 3-4, meaning his little pup's heart was beginning to beat. He had yet to visit the clinic and made arrangements for tomorrow just so he could meet the new bodyguard for today and plan with Jungkook about Minho's birthday soon in a month. There was so much to do, but Jimin always wasted his time on sleeping --which wasn't really a surprise to Jungkook since Jimin was pregnant.--

             Jimin eventually opened his eyes and his head rested over his alpha's lap to gaze up in silence with his face growing puffy as if he woke up from an eight-hour nap. “Hi there, sleeping beauty~” Jungkook cooed and caressed his lover's blonde hair back. “You never told me you broke the news to our little Mozart.” Jungkook said and pointed to the pup trying to play music as he still wore his pajamas that matched with Jimin's. “I feel left out now, babe…”

             “I couldn't hide it from him. He had to know eventually.” Jimin said as he placed his hand on Jungkook's face to caress it slowly. “What time is it, Kookie?”

             “Four fifty-three in the afternoon. The bodyguard will be here soon. I just didn't want to wake you~ you look so cute with your pajamas! You got up in the morning and crawled over my lap to press your head down and sleep while Minho was playing on the piano. Then I had to leave for work and I got back a few hours ago to make Minho something to be with the two of you. I got here early, but I fed Minho so, don't worry.”

            “You sat here and didn't want me to wake up and get ready for the bodyguard? He'll see me in my matching pajamas with Minho and he'll laugh!”

            “Babe, you're pregnant and sleepy. Minho is your son so it's cute to match with him. Besides, that man is going to live here and he'll see you walk around in your pajamas like any other lazy day!” Jungkook added and left a kiss on his mate's head to smile right at him happily. “Don't change. Minho didn't want to take his pajamas off because he wants to match with his daddy and little brother.”

              “Why is he so confident that it's a boy? It could be a girl. I hope to have a girl too.” Jimin stated and sat up to stretch and yawn. “But I'd be happy either way.”

              “Getting so sentimental with me, babe.” Jungkook chuckled and took off his glasses to kiss his omega; bringing the omega back into his arms and pressing his lips against his quickly for a small peck. “Guess you can't dance for me and entertain me whenever I want you to.~”

             “I can't do that again!~ I'm going to have another little Jeon running around here. So, maybe not.” Jimin said and looked down at his alpha's cute smile. “I'm still in my pajamas and you're the only one that looks formal and serious.”

            “Shut up already~ before I shut you up myself.” Jungkook whispered until Minho stopped playing on the piano and folded his arms.

              “Minho doesn't want Daddy and father to argue.. It makes Minho sad! Say sorry, Father!” The pup demanded,  crawling off the piano stool to run over to the couch and get in between the two.

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