Chapter 89: A gift beyond compare

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            “Don't say that, Jungkookie! He's trying his best to please you. Ah, I know it gets tough to keep your guard up when it comes to Kyunsji, but you should know that Joo-Ho is a nice guy. He's trying.” Jimin said and took off his shirt in front of his closet and began to put on a bra and change into a dark red, turtleneck sweater over blue jeans and matching timberlands with his husband. “I'm trying to keep a clean view of him. I don't want him to end up being some bad guy or some man that works for Kyunsji. Don't poison my mind like that!”

              “Babe, I get like that with almost everyone… I'm sorry. I just can't risk you getting hurt… That night when Kyunsji snuck into our home to kill me and keep you to himself, I knew I couldn't afford any screw ups. Do you know how tough I am on myself when I look back at how lucky I was? How hard I tried to get rid of him? But, I couldn't… I just couldn't and I hate that I couldn't. I tried my best but it just wasn't enough. I wish I could've ended it all that night.”

             “Kookie, so you're a little paranoid and traumatized, but please… Don't shun him away. He's nice to us and if there's something wrong, we'll see it and you'll get him before he can hurt us and our little pup.” Jimin promised as Jungkook turned his head over to the doorway of the closed bedroom. “Is he… Downstairs?”

            “Yes… But he can't hear us. Either way, I know he can see that I'm very cautious of him.”

           “If he can hear us or not, it's not nice of you to assume his actions. Bear with me, trust him for our sake and our growing family.” The omega claimed as he then pointed Jungkook's face to his and gave his husband a peck and smiled after. “Smile for me!” Giggled Jimin and Jungkook then wrapped his arms around Jimin and pulled him close to put on a smile to his husband. Assuring him he won't think of anything wrong and assume something bad about the bodyguard. “Ah! Careful our pup is in there!”

           “Baby, when it's time to see the genders, let's keep it as a surprise again! I remember the joy of holding our little Minho in my arms once he was born and being surprised of his gender. I want to feel that again.” Jungkook suggested as Jimin smiled happily and nodded his head out of excitement.

          “Yes! Let's do it again this time.” Jimin giggled happily and cupped his alpha's face after as Jungkook then took the omega up into his arms and carried him to the bathroom.

           “Go. Finish getting ready and I'll be right here.” Jungkook demanded with a smile and rubbed noses with his lovely husband after. As soon as Jimin was done washing his face and brushing his teeth, he placed on shades and a mask to cover his nose and plump lips before walking downstairs with Jungkook right behind him. As soon as he reached the bottom of the stairs, Joo-ho was gazing up at the family portraits with a big smile through his youthful grin and his childish gaze through his glistening, chocolate, dark brown, eyes.

           “Hi, Joo-ho! Are you ready?” Jimin asked and walked up to the alpha wearing his suit and tie with his own pair of shades to fit the role of a classy bodyguard.

           “Yes, Where to?”

          “Clinic! I'm going for a check-up. It's about time I get one of course. It's been four weeks and I'm going to need some medications for the pup.” Jimin told the alpha. Jungkook then got out of the room and pushed his shades up before going up to his omega and moving him aside from the older alpha's view and kept his own husband close. “Jungkook…” Jimin whispered into a hiss as Jungkook tipped his shades down and pulled up his black mask.

         “You have your own car right, Joo-Ho?” Jungkook asked as the alpha nodded his head quickly with little hesitation. “Good. Hope you can keep up. I switch lanes quickly.” Jungkook warned the alpha and held hands with his beloved before walking up to the front door; closing the conversation off right there. Just the action alone left Jimin to sigh under his own mask while Joo-Ho was left to bear with the arrogant attitude of his boss;  Jeon Jungkook.

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