Chapter 101: Untimely visit

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            Jimin stood by Jungkook while setting up the wide room with balloons, streamers and even take time to decorate the backyard for the small party they were going to throw. Of course, Minho didn't really have much friends and all he had was his bodyguard, Sejin and Ju-won. Other than those three, he had nobody else as a friend to him. Just the people he called his loving family. The decorations were set up with balloons in every color. Every single color around the living room showed yellow and blue; the colors that were always visible to Minho even when he was just a little pup. Eventually, Minho grew to love those colors and it meant so much to him just as much as the colors black and white for Jimin and Jungkook alone.

            There was no theme for Minho's fourth birthday since the pup alone just couldn't decide on what he wanted his birthday to focus on. Like any other year; Minho just had the bright colors of yellow and blue everywhere. Just as Jimin tied down the last balloon onto the armrest of a chair in the lightly colored room, Jungkook suddenly walked by and slammed his free hand onto the omega's ass while gazing at his phone with his other hand. “Hey, Babe~” Jungkook said and made a smirk to tease the omega as Jimin turned around so quickly to let out a giggle.

         “Jungkook! Where have you been? Very soon everyone is going to be here and you still haven't gotten the meat to grill!” Jimin worried as Jungkook set his phone down and pulled his omega close. “No! Go do as I say!” Jimin giggled and tried to pull away as Jungkook then cupped Jimin's face. “No!”

         “Ah, baby… Don't stress about this! You'll faint… Too much stress is bad for the pups. You know that already.” Jungkook told his omega and the omega only looked around the lively decorated living room. “Sit down, I'll get the meat for the grill.” Jungkook assured and made his omega to sit down. “Isn't that any better?”

       “I like to perfect things, Jungkook! It's Minho's fourth birthday without the big party… he'll just have the gathering but nothing bigger than that.” Jimin assured and looked down at the apron over his sweater and loose bottoms. “Fuck! Seokjin will be here with his family and I'm still not even cleaned up!”

         “Babe! Why are you panicking now? It's not like they've never seen you like that before. Take it easy, I don't want you to faint on me like that. It's stupid to stress over this. Minho is our son, not some egotistical prince.” Jungkook laughed and began to take the apron off his omega.

          “He gets that from you!” Jimin replied and took a moment to calm down. It wasn't just the stress of getting things in order, rather the unsettling feeling he had last night for the premiere. He mentioned this to his husband, but Jungkook just promised to protect him as always. However, the omega would always wonder, what if Jungkook failed to protect them? What if something happens to the alpha and leaves his family behind while taking down the imposter with him? Just those thoughts weighed down on the omega and made him fear the worst time to time. Let alone the fact that ever since the unsettling feeling of getting stared at; made Jimin feel like something could happen any second. He feared something big was going to happen, but knew it was just a small feeling… Right?

            Later on the day, the not-so-many guests arrived and soon did Minho. The pup didn't care about how many people showed up, he was just happy to hang out with Sejin and Ju-won like he always would. However, he'd feel a little set off knowing that his two friends around his age group were only betas. Making the pup just hope to get siblings that were alphas like him. Just alphas and nothing other than that. Throughout the whole day, Joo-Ho was busy keeping an eye out for the pup and holding his guard up. There was no way he wanted to ever let Minho slip from him like he did two months ago. It remained as a constant reminder to him not to let his guard down even once. Jungkook and Jimin alone never blamed it on him for it, but the bodyguard always found a way to say he was to be held accountable for the cause of Minho almost getting kidnapped.

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